The NBP will not comment on the Polish financial supervisory authority



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– The NBP will not comment on the Polish financial supervisory authority, the Prime Minister's Office – the central bank press office took the floor to answer the question on a comment on the arrest of the Former KNF leader, Marek Ch.

The President of the National Bank of Poland, Adam Glapi

The President of the National Bank of Poland, Adam Glapiski / PAP

"Until the resolution is valid, Professor Adam Glapiski will not comment on a previous private opinion about the former president of the Financial Supervisory Authority," the statement said. press release.

At the recent 590 Congress in Rzeszów, Adam Glapiski, president of the NBP, was reportedly interrogated by journalists on Marek Ch. In connection with the publication of "Gazeta Wyborcza".

He says that he "really cares about him and loves him". In his opinion, he is "an extremely honest, noble, honorable and remarkably professional man". – Obymy had more professors of this kind for 37 years in a liberal profession, honest and noble ", adds – Newspaper articles, political struggle, all this comes and goes, and the truth needs time, said the director of the National Bank of Poland.

Tuesday morning, the presidents were Marek Ch. He was arrested by the CBA on the basis of a decision of the prosecutor issued in the evening.

After noon he was transferred to the lski department of the Katowice National Prosecutor's Office. – The former head of the Financial Supervisory Authority (KNF) is accused of having exceeded the rights of a public official to obtain a personal benefit by another person – declared ch. Mr. Marcin Kondracki.

"Gazeta Wyborcza" wrote on November 13 that in March 2018, the first presidents of KNF would offer the owner, among others, Getin Noble Bank to Leszek Czarnecki, who was in favor of Getin Noble Bank in exchange for approximately 40 million euros, would have to pay for the lawyer appointed by the KNF leader. Czarnecki will record the conversation, but the recording does not include Ch's statement about this quantity. According to the businessman, Ch. He had to show him the card on which he wrote 1%, which, according to "Wyborcza" miao, is part of the value of Getin Noble Bank "related to the result of the bank".

Billionaire Roman Giertych's lawyer will admit that there is no one percent card for a man, but – as he puts it so well – there is another way to prove its existence. – Mr Czarnecki is ready to submit to a polygraph study – said FMF FM Giertych.

The audit supervises the Polish service of the PC that transmits it to run the ABC. The procedure began after Czarnecki's report in early November. On November 19, a businessman made a statement to the prosecutor's office of Katowice for 12 hours. By submitting a notification and the day of the exhortation, it will provide the following information: media with recorded conversations – these are audio and video recordings. Besides Czarnecki, other vices have also been purged.


information: PAP

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