The new climate strategy of the European Commission is presented


On Wednesday, the European Commission presented a long-term climate strategy, stating that the European Union would become neutral in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, which means that emissions would be equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions. absorption of CO2. The starting point, however, is a 45% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2030.

– Today we are proposing a strategy that will enable Europe to become the world's first major economy, which will become climate neutral by 2050. Europe currently has the most ambitious policy in the world. climate and clean energy. With new targets for renewable energies and energy efficiency by 2030, we should reduce emissions by 45%, "said the European Commissioner in charge of Climate Action and of energy, Miguel Arias Canete.

The 2050 strategy includes several scenarios to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the Paris Agreement. The Commission is in favor of the most ambitious solutions foreseeing that the European Union will become a climate neutral economy.

– During the summer of this year, we found that the climate impact on the climate was enormous. We can not afford to be inactive, "said Canete.

He pointed out that the Commission did not intend to change the climate objectives by 2030, but defined the lines of action to achieve the objectives of the project. Paris Agreement.

From Poland's point of view, its energy system is based around 80%. on coal, the strategy announces a revolution.

At the scale of the European Union, the energy system, which accounts for more than 75% of greenhouse gas emissions to a lesser extent, but also uses fossil fuels (not only coal but also gas). All the leads presented by the EC imply that this situation will change radically by mid-century.

– We can maximize the share of renewable energy – this will be the basis of our energy system. More than 80% of electricity will come from renewable sources by 2050 – said Vice President of the European Commission for the Energy Union, Marosz Szefczovic.

– The European energy system must deteriorate. By 2050, 80% of the energy must come from renewable sources – Canete repeated it. The transformation will not be cheap. The EC estimates that the achievement of zero net emissions (the difference between emissions and sinking) by 2050 represents expenditures of the order of 175 to 290 billion EUR per year in the region. 39, whole of the Union.

Climate Neutrality

The EC expects that increased energy efficiency will contribute to climate neutrality (building heating will consume half as much energy as today thanks to thermal insulation), Increased energy efficiency in the industry, transport electrification – popularization of affordable electric cars or alternative fuels.

This transformation should also have the effect of significantly reducing imports of mining fuels, such as gas, into the EU from third countries. At present, the bill for these sources of energy amounts to 266 billion euros per year throughout the Union. – In a neutral European climate, imports will fall by 70%. By 2050, we will save from 2 to 3 trillion euros, said Canete.

Brussels argues that despite a larger reduction than expected in 2030, without further measures, the reduction of emissions by the mid-century will reach 60%. However, this is not enough to stop the increase in global average temperature to a maximum of 2 degrees (and preferably 1.5 degrees) higher than in the pre-industrial era. This one was created in 2015 in Paris.

– Climate neutrality is essential, possible and lies in the interest of Europe. It is necessary to achieve the long-term temperature goals set out in the Paris Agreement, said Canete.

Ecologists satisfied

The strategy is not a legislative proposal, but the European Commission expects that the Member States will discuss it in all Council configurations – ministers responsible for different fields before next year.

The document was well received by environmentalists.

– Today is the decisive moment in the fight against climate change. Through this strategy, the European Union is becoming the first major entity to respond to recent warnings issued by climatologists and to take steps to implement the Paris agreement – said WWF's Imke Luebbeke.

At the same time, she called for faster action to achieve zero net emissions by 2040.

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