The new summit on the WIG index is now a "miracle on the Vistula"


"We think that the US S & P index could attack the January highs and break them in Poland, the breakthrough of the historic highs will be problematic and I would prefer to see them in the category" miracle on the Vistula "" – said Niedzielewski meetings with reporters.

At the beginning of the year, the WIG reached a historic high from 2007 to the next level. point, but the attack on the new maxims failed and currently the index fluctuates around 56.6 thousand. point.

Niedzielewski pointed out that the WIG index is not so far from the peak levels, and that miracles have been observed in other markets and that sudden increases in the least favorable circumstances have already occurred.

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"It's flaking on all sides"

"Anything is possible, but today it's hard to believe that the WSE will show its strength Despite the good economic situation, the weakening of emerging markets this year hit the WIG20 this year: small and medium enterprises are unable to use 5% of GDP growth to increase their income and their margins, "adds the director of Investors.TFI

As indicated by the promotion of the Polish market to the basket of developed FTSE markets, at least the first phase will be a negative supply factor.

" The moving to the first phase of the developed markets basket can hurt us – that's what it looks like today, perhaps, among other things, the current weakness associated with, for example, the risk of Sudden exit of funds from market ETFs emerging markets by Polish stocks, although we anticipate a new relaxation, many investors are already prepared and can take advantage of this moment for cheaper occasions. We will be important in the new basket of developed markets, so the funds investing in these markets will be quick to commit to the WSE "- said Niedzielewski.

TFI investor analysts point out that" we will be able to consider this as a success if we manage to close this year with a small advantage at WIG. "

Donald Trump and Successful Investors of TFI

According to Niedzielewski, the main negative risk factor for global markets are the "trade wars" of US President Donald Trump and their possible escalation on a large scale.On the other hand, the positive factors are the strength of the US economy and US stock markets as well as the potential stimulation of Public spending in the United States and Western Europe.

TFI Investors think the first half of this period is a fruitful period use in his activity, underlines the president Zbigniew Wójtowicz

"We consider that the first semester is a very successful period, we implement a strategy focused on the best results and extended cooperation with entities open to the offer of our funds Building and developing relationships with partners offering and servicing our funds is our priority, our net turnover in the first half of the year amounts to PLN 1.16 billion. TFI variable capital assets of investors exceeded PLN 7 billion, "said Wójtowicz.

TFI Investors was established in early 2005 as one of the first independent fund management companies in Poland

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