The OP requests the results of the audit in the enterprises of the State Treasury


Deputies of the Civic Platform demanded Tuesday the disclosure of the results of the audit of the ABC in the Treasury companies from 2016. They also announced that they would go to court to obtain documents. "We will do everything possible to make this verification as open as possible" – said Sławomir Nitras (PO).

Commissioned by the Prime Minister of the time, Beata Szydło, began to audit in September 2016. Mariusz Kaminski, the Minister of Special Services, then asked the ministries for information on: contracts concluded by these companies. As part of the audit, the external contracts entered into by the SP companies also had to be checked. The analysis was to be submitted to the years 2015 and 2016.

Agnieszka Pomaska, vice-president of the PO, noted at the press conference that nearly two years had passed since the beginning of the year. announcement of the audit in Treasury companies. "I would like to remind you that Prime Minister Szydło has said that this verification will not only be prepared, but also publicly announced so that all Poland can learn more about its results" – Pomaska ​​adds: "We ask today for what has happened, this check has not been published yet? "- asked the MP. "Is it perhaps because the verification, which in the hypothesis of Prime Minister Szydło was supposed to compromise the previous team, has turned out to be an audit that has compromised the current government team, Law and Justice?? "- asked the MP from the Pomask

Pomask in May this year. she asked Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki to provide the full contents of the audit. In early July, she received a decision from the Chancellery of the Prime Minister refusing to disclose public information because of the "secret nature of the information" that she was asking for. The letter stated that the audit documents in the Treasury companies carry the "reserved" and "confidential" clauses and were transmitted to Prime Minister Beata Szydło and Special Services Coordinator Mariusz Kamiński six times: in October and November 2016 and in January and February 2017

Sławomir Nitras (PO), referring to the refusal to provide information from Pomaski, said that every deputy has access to information with a "secret" clause. "We live in a state of anarchy and today we can see it." PiS says, "We will not give you an audit and what you will do to us."

"We can feel helpless but we can only ask the courts for that they would help us and force the state officials to comply with the law, so we will ask the provincial administrative court to ask this verification, "said Nitras

" this audit will be public, or in 2018, in During the PiS government, or will be manifest after the elections, when the PiS will lose power, we will do our utmost to ensure that this verification is also open as possible, we will force them to disclose these documents and to respect the law "- he added. /
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