The Parliament of India rejects defiance against the motion


The motion was defeated by 325-126 votes by lawmakers.

Gandhi, the offshoot of the Nehru-Gandhi political dynasty, accused the government of creating only 400,000 new jobs against the promised 20 million in one year. He accused Modi of favoring big business houses in defense and business at the expense of the poor

which angered legislators in the Hindu nationalist party Bharatiya Janata de Modi, causing the speaker to postpone the proceedings briefly. from the room. Gandhi later resumed his speech and at the end of it went unexpectedly to where Modi was sitting and shook his hand.

Modi in his speech later dug Gandhi's gesture, accusing him of trying to overthrow him. Seema Mustafa, a political analyst, said that Modi's embrace by Rahul Gandhi reminded him that he had a habit of embracing "reluctant and willing leaders around the world and today." He was caught off guard "by Gandhi.

Modi said that the opposition knew that she did not have enough support to defeat her government. He said his economic policies have helped lift 50 million people out of poverty with less than $ 2 a day in the last four years. India has become the world's sixth largest economy and was heading towards a $ 5 trillion economy

The opposition has apparently decided to test the Modi government's strength after the move of Modi with some of his allies. Two of them, Shiv Sena and Biju Janata Dal, decided to abstain from voting to express their dissatisfaction with Modi's policy.

Opposition leaders, however, hope to reap political gains ahead of national elections early next year. They also accuse the government of failing to control the growing violence against women, Muslim minorities and Dalits.

Modi dismissed the charge and said that the government was taking steps to protect all sections of the company

from the purchase of 36 Rafael hunters from France at a very inflated price – almost triple the price negotiated when Congress was in power before Modi became prime minister in 2014. Defense Minister Nirmala Sitharaman immediately refuted his claim

reveals the price of the Rafael case, claiming that the French President Emmanuel Macron had told him in March that the contract of purchase did not have a secret clause.

The French Embassy in New Delhi immediately issued a press release. protect classified information that could affect the defense capabilities of one or the other.

Modi in his speech accused Gandhi of "He was treading the truth to deceive the nation on issues related to security."

Textile Minister Smriti Irani accused Gandhi of rhetoric and asked him to confirm his accusations. Another minister, Kiran Rijijju, described Gandhi's speech as a "political maneuver".

As parliament debates the no-confidence motion, farmers march in the Indian capital to demand loans and fair prices. sectoral struggles against years of declining revenues

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