The PO advisor criticizes the Ukrainians. Shostakovsky wants a punishment


Szostakowski today referred on Twitter to the post of Monika Suska posted on Facebook, in which the advisor wrote: "I have always had my opinion on the Ukrainians, and we let them in. Ukrainian in Biedronka, Ukrainian in transport, Ukrainian in construction, Recently, Ukrainians began to defend the PiS. "

His subsequent entry was illustrated by a photo of a Ukrainian actor who, according to information Anecdotal, was broadcast on social media, was violating the physical integrity of a police officer during the protest on Thursday in front of the Presidential Palace.

"The position was absolutely scandalous and unacceptable" – justifies the decision of the president of the Civic Council.

– I do not know what happened to me Not only all Ukrainians, but especially Mr Wieczysław – said Fakt24 Monika Suska. "I know that I am going to be in a friendly court, I regret that my irresponsible entry has put a shadow on the party," added the counselor.

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