The Poles evaluate their financial situation. KRD report


  • 68 percent Poles positively evaluate their financial situation – according to the KRD report
  • Nearly a third of Poles believe it's better than the year before
  • The increase in income is the most common cause of improvement in the financial situation

The Poles admit that their financial situation compared to last year is better, while those who are less well off are 10 points. percent. less. The improvement in the financial situation is mainly due to the increase in household income (in 67% of cases), and much less frequently (27% of indications) to the reduction of expenditure and to the 39 savings – calculated KRD

. The Poles admitted that they had more money at their disposal because they managed to repay outstanding debts in the form of loans or credits. At the same time, 9 percent respondents attribute the improvement to the 500+ program.

In turn, the reasons for the deterioration of the financial situation are seen by compatriots in the increase in expenses caused by the increase in the cost of living in the country – it is reported in the report. It was indicated by 61 percent. Polish whose financial situation has deteriorated. In turn, 22 percent. admitted that he has a worse financial situation, because "their income has declined compared to last year."

In comparison with the first edition of the survey "Polish statistical portfolio", conducted in 2015, 7 percent. up to 25 percent the percentage of people who report not having to limit their expenses. These are mainly young people or middle-aged people with a higher or secondary education level, residents of big cities, whose household income exceeds 6,000. Zł. As the KRD points out, high incomes do not always indicate a good financial situation. Still in the highest income group, 7 percent appeared.

– Debts are not only the domain of the lowest paid and those who live on the threshold of poverty, it seems, but above all a problem of the middle class is going well. Often, the rich, the rich find themselves in the debt register for lack of caution, extravagance or simply forgetfulness – said the chairman of the National Debt Register Adam Łącki, quoted in the report [19659009] Financial optimism? who are doing well and positively evaluate their financial situation, see their future in bright colors. One in three Poles expect a rise in earnings the following year

Financial optimists are more often men (47% versus 27%) and young people. The younger the youth, the more they expect a salary increase. The best chance of progression is that of the best placed (household income above 6,000 PLN) – almost half of them expect a rise in income. At the same time, nearly half of us rely on the fact that in the next few months, she will spend more than in previous years (47%). People aged 25 to 34 (61%) and those with a high school education (50%) and higher education (49%) should expect higher expenses because of higher needs and higher prices.

Respondents who answer the question on savings forecasting, debt repayment or new debt, more often indicate savings (42%) and debt repayment (15%). %) that the emergence of new debt (13%). next financial obligations in the form of a loan or a loan (7%).

Poles over 60 years old are waiting, as quoted by Kaczmarski Inkasso Jakub Kostecki in the report. "To a large extent, this is related to the problems of many retirees, to maintain a sufficient level with a pension lower than previous earnings" – he said.

The report "Polish Statistical Portfolio" (II edition) concerns the assessment of financial status research carried out by Kantar Millward Brown on a representative group of 1 thous. Polish.


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