The police commander from Podlaskie towed to the radio. Daniel Kołnierowicz gave a shocking show


It was a commentary on what Ms. Bożena Kamińska was doing. This is how the head of the provincial police in Białystok commented his statement on the radio on "the announcement of the best anonymous contest" for the MP Podlasie Platforma Obywatelska.

Such a statement by Superintendent Daniel Kołnierowicz fell on Radio 5 in Suwałki, where he was questioned about information – published only by Kamińska – and about allegations reported anonymously by police officers.

– We are dealing with obvious lies, untested accusations – said nadinsp Kołnierowicz. He also stated that, according to his knowledge, in "the anonymous Ms. Kaminska transmits to the media are sensitive data, there is personal information about the police".

Krolovic: these theses go around the world

– Ms Kamińska anonymously sends your personal data to the media. With phone numbers, extensions, functions. There is a question, should it be or not? If as much as Ms. Kaminska likes to use anonymity, she thinks it's fair, then(…) announce a contest for the best anonymity about Mrs. Kamińska, about the property, about business trips, about the previous activity. If you like it a lot – said the police chief of Podlasie on the radio.

– This "contest" was a comment on what Ms. Kaminska is doing, because it is only a contest that is actually organized – said Wednesday the news agency Polish Nadinsp. Kołnierowicz. In her opinion, she "encourages" the police not only to write anonymous, but, without confirming, to publish them. – Based on these anecdotal and published anonymous, he formulates totally unproven theses. These theses go around the world and are accepted by some media as real. And the police in Podlasie are involved in all this – he added.

Krolrowrowicz also stated that the theses on "the pathology of the police of Podlaskie" are formulated on this basis. – This is harmful for the police. I do not want this garrison to be treated this way. We try to stay out of politics – he stressed.

He assured that he was not asking the real "competition for anonymous" about the MP. – I did not say that we are announcing a contest, but we can announce one (…). If you like this type of method, then maybe we'll announce a contest and not announce it – he repeated.

Bożena Kamińska replies

Bożena Kamińska, MP from Suwałki, said Wednesday that she wanted to explain the commander's behavior to a higher level. – The commander does not have the right to judge the activities of the MP, I do not want to say that the opposition. I insist that the law is enshrined – the police are apolitical – and that it would be worth it if the commander remembered more than anything else – Kaminska said.

The Assistant Vice-President added that her information was not based solely on anonymous individuals. – They are not just anonymous. I have meetings with policemen, they come to my house, call and write, but everything started with anonymity – said Kaminska.

What does KGP do?

The remarks of the police chief of Podlachia do not make general comments on the leadership of the KGP. – This radio statement by the Commanding Officer of the province was not consulted or consulted with the police headquarters. That's his position and his words, not the police – said the chief police spokesman, the insp. Mariusz Ciarka.

Recently, the headquarters of the National Police ordered control at the headquarters of the municipal police in Suwałki. This was, inter alia, to check the information provided by MP Bożena Kamińska on the basis – as she said three weeks ago – of the letter she received from officers of that command. – They write that they have something to be despised and treated in accordance with the political needs of Deputy Minister Jarosław Zieliński – she then said in the parliamentary gallery. The deputy head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, Jarosław Zieliński, is a member of the PiS of the Suwalki region.

The deputy also directed the interpreter to the head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, Joachim Brudziński.

– As a result of the control activities carried out, it was not determined that the police officers assigned to perform specific tasks were in any way in contravention of the official discipline. The officers acted on the orders of their superiors and in accordance with the regulations in force. The results of the audit, however, indicate weaknesses on the part of some senior – said the insp. Mariusz Ciarka, describing the results of the control carried out at the Suwałki station. The Defender pointed out that the inspection had revealed no behavior that could constitute a crime, nor even behavior likely to lead to the opening of a disciplinary procedure.

"The police of Podlasie work efficiently"

– Unfortunately, we found ourselves in such a situation that the Podlaskie police, myself and my superior, Minister Zieliński, found themselves in a series of unjustified criticisms as part of a media campaign. I do not know why this campaign should be used – said in the meantime Commander Kołnierowicz on Radio 5.

Asked about the results of the audit, he added that the audit protocol had not been seen yet. He pointed out that the term "overzealousness" was "not the same as the pathology". – And this wording was included in the interpellation of Ms Kamińska – he added. with

Kaminska said it was surprised by the commander 's remarks during the interview, because the website of the Ministry of Interior indicates that the police in Podlasie went bankrupt.

The Deputy Minister of Confetti will fly away?

This is how the children had to greet the deputy minister. Zieliński again in action!

Author: EK

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