The Polish brand illegally used the image of Taco Hemingway?


For several months, it is impossible to stop talking about Taco Hemingway . Recently, it is noisy because of the rather controversial relationship with the youngest of almost ten years [1945900] Igą Lis and the first of the album Café Belga and EP Flagey [19659002]

This time, however, we return to the project Taconafide that Taco Hemingway created in collaboration with the rapper Quebonafide . More specifically to the clip Cryptocurrencies . If you've watched this video (it has more than 33 million views on the YouTube platform), you've probably noticed a few – quite avant-garde stylizations of the two men. In the cake cup scene, Taco Hemingway wore a pink powder jacket with yellow golf below . And it was he who was the subject of the conflict, or rather a storm that broke out on the web

It turned out that the golf comes from the last collection ZUO CORP + . The Polish brand has decided to boast that the product signed their logo appeared in the clip of an artist so popular (which is a fairly popular procedure) and published on the Instagram and Facebook screen captures the Taconafide clip. Marcin to Tytus Grabski the founder of the record company Asfalt Records who comments a little on the publications of ZUO CORP + [19659007] If by a miracle you do not know that the fact that my master gives something from your collection does not allow you to use his image and his brand in advertising, I realize it

According to Grabski, the Polish brand has no rights use the image of Taco who insists at every step that he makes no publicity and takes great care of his private life. The comment of the founder of the label Asfalt Records provoked a real storm, and the response of the representatives of the brand did not have to wait a long time. ZUO CORP + stated without hesitation that they had the right to use screen shots of the clip Cryptocurrencies because it was published on a public platform like YouTube

Dear Lord, we are sorry. In this situation, we would like to ask you to remove all the snapshots of your artist Taco Hemingway from the video "Cryptocurrencies", containing the style using our flagship product within 24 hours. Otherwise, we will be forced to draw legal consequences. The golf presented at home is part of our latest collection and is not the property of the artist, and the photo is a screen of the clip, posted on the public YouTube site

Of course, Marcin Tytus Grabski no he remained in debt and posted some comments (all have already been removed), which content clearly offended the founders of the mark ] ZUO CORP +. Titus named them, among others social ninjas drunk . He also stated that ZUO CORP + is a mark run by 14-year-olds .

I think when the insult begins, the smartest side has to let go. Here, no one will discuss with you, I invite you to deprive

Łukasz Laskowski, one of the founders of the brand commented that the procedure of renting clothing for video Cryptocurrencies [19659004] seemed standard. This is, as in the case of previous projects. He admitted that it was the first time in the history of the company and that he did not feel obliged to delete positions.

SEE ALSO: Taco Hemingway Is Depressed? The texts of "Flagey EP" leave no doubt. >>>

And what does it look like from a legal point of view? As stated Łukasz Laskowski, the parties signed a lease, so there should be no problem. However, the so-called competition rules have probably been violated because the artist must agree to use his image for advertising purposes. It is unclear how the conflict between Polish brand ZUO CORP + and Taco Hemingway will end. It is possible that the case is brought before the court.

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