The predominance of PiS. New investigation for "Do Rzeczy"


If the parliamentary elections were held in March, the PiS would win them with a definite advantage. Jaruzel Kaczynski would vote for 42.6%. the poll – according to the latest survey of the studio Estymator for "Do Rzeczy".

In the "Do Rzeczy" survey, the PiS gained support of 42.6%, or 1.5 points. percent. more compared to the previous study.

The civic platform came in second with 26.7%. (increase of 0.5 percentage point). The last place on the podium was won by Robert Biedron & # 39; s Spring, for which he wishes to vote at 6.4%. respondents (decrease of 2.8 percentage points).

Seym would also arrive in Kuyavia with a score of 6.3%. (decrease of 1.3 pp) and PSL with a result of 5.3%. (decrease of 0.3 percentage point).

SLD (4.8%), Modern (2.1%), KORWiN (1.7%), Total (1.3%), National Movement (1.3%), Now (0%), 4%) would not exceed the electoral threshold.

An investigation for "Do Rzeczy" was conducted on March 20 and 21, 2019 on a nationally representative sample of 1005 adults using computer-assisted telephone interviews of CATI.

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