The President informed 11 judges that they have retired


  Dera: The President sent letters to 11 judges. He informed that they retired

. Photo: Agnieszka Sniezko / East News

The Minister stated that the letter was also received by Małgorzata Gersdorf

On Thursday, President Andrzej Duda sent letters to 11 Supreme Court justices who did not express their willingness to continue to to rule – in accordance with the Supreme Court Act. On July 4, they retired – declared President Andrzej Dera. As he added, the letter was also received by Małgorzata Gersdorf.

– President signed letters yesterday – under section 39 (Supreme Court Act – Editor's note) – informing judges who have not made statements that they withdrew yesterday – said Andrzej Dera in a conversation with reporters

Article 39 of the Supreme Court Law stipulates that the president of the Supreme Court Court relies on the President.

The Minister of the Presidency asks whether Andrzej Duda also writes to Małgorzata Gersdorf: – Yes, to all the judges. did not make a statement within this period, in accordance with Article 39.

The Supreme Court Dispute

According to the Supreme Court Act, entered into force on April 3, the day after the expiry of a period of three months from that date, the SN judges over the age of 65 must. They can continue to judge whether in the month of entry into force of the new law they made an appropriate statement and provided the appropriate medical certificates, and the president will agree to continue taking the office.

year of life. Of these 27 judges, statements regarding the willingness to remain in office with the appointment of a new law on the Supreme Court were submitted by nine. In seven subsequent statements, the judges did not invoke these provisions and did not provide health certificates. 11 judges made no statement

The statements were not made, inter alia, by the first president, Małgorzata Gersdorf, who was already 65 years old. She informed earlier that she "will not and will not ask" the President regarding his retention as president and president

President's meeting with Gersdorf

After the meeting of President Andrzej Duda with President Gersdorf, Deputy Head of the Presidential Chancellery Paweł Mucha As he added, it was the will of the President that the oldest judge Józef Iwulski would perform functions related to the duties of the first President of the Court Supreme of Wednesday.

even before the meeting with Andrzej Duda – Gersdorf issued an order on the appointment of the president of Iwulski as head of the SN "to replace the first president of the Supreme Court for the time of his absence". On Wednesday, Judge Iwulski stated that he was not "the deputy, let alone the successor of the first president of the Małgorzata Gersdorf Supreme Court", but replaced her "in case she was absent". He assured at the same time that the president did not appoint him or assign him the functions of the first president, but only approved the choice of him by the president of Gersdorf

Author: kb // kg
Source: TVN24, PAP

  Dera: The president sent letters to 11 judges. He reported that they retired

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