The president of Katowice should not resolve the Polish Youth march. A sentence was passed


The president of Katowice, Marcin Krupa, had no right to dissolve the youth rally of all Poles in this city – said the court. The decision of the president could have been influenced by his opinions. He himself announced the appeal against the decision

. It is organized by the March of Poles for Polish youth organized May 6, disturbed by counter-demonstrators who blocked the road of the march. There was a scuffle. The police intervened, who used force and detained nine people. The Katowice authorities dissolved the MW meeting. The organizers of the protest appealed this decision to the Katowice District Court, which admitted that they were right to overturn the president's decision to dissolve the assembly as unfounded.

Justifying the verdict, Judge Katarzyna Zadora felt that there was no reason to dissolve the assembly in the form of a real threat to the life or health of the people. participants and goods. The judge also drew attention to formal errors, such as the fact that the head of the Crisis Management Department, who was canceling the march on behalf of the city president, did not have the proper powers of his subordinate [19659004]. indicating a real threat, the circumstances. The material did not confirm the testimony of the witnesses regarding the escalation of tensions that would turn into acts of violence against persons and the destruction of property in considerable proportions – judge said, stating that incidents during the march (clashes, covering the face by participants), were the subject of intervention by the police and organizers.

According to the court, the decision to end the march could have influenced President Krupa's views. It should be noted that the President expressed his views on the assembly both at the conference that took place before the start of the meeting and in the information on the social network. The court finds that it is reasonable to assume that the president's view could also have an impact on the decision-making process of dissolving the assembly and having a discriminatory effect on the proceedings Court. The President, currently on leave, did not comment on the content of the judgment; he stressed that his priority is the safety of residents

I do not comment on the verdict of the court. We will certainly appeal. I stress – the safety and health of the residents are our priority – that is why the public meeting of the Polish Youth has been dissolved. In Katowice, we do not want to see masked people brandish the banners of "white boys" with fascist symbols in the streets. Katowice has always been a city of dialogue, but there is no agreement to manifest ideologies that challenge the rights and freedoms of others. The MN believes that President Krupa lied in court, testifying about the circumstances of the dissolution of the assembly – in this case, the organization intends to submit a suspicion of crime in the prosecutor's office, to give false testimony.


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