The price of gas increases by almost 6%. We will pay about 11 zlotys a month to heat the apartment


The Energy Regulatory Office approved a new tariff for PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny (PGNiG OD). As a result, "gas prices were increased by 5.9% compared to the binding tariff". The other elements affecting the level of fees remain unchanged. "

How much will the average amount of Kowalski pay?

URE reports that our bills will increase by an average of 3.6%. Specifically, the rate hike will increase. will increase to 3.6% for consumers of gas with a high methane content, 3.88% for beneficiaries of GZ – 41.5 (Lw) and 3.80% for beneficiaries of GZ not named – 35 (Ls "

In terms of PLN – people using gas stoves will pay on average 57 groszy per month. Those who use gas to prepare meals and heat water can expect higher bills from here 3.32 PLN per month (3.62%) . The largest hike awaits for those who additionally heat their gas flats They will pay higher bills of 3.88%, or about PLN PLN 11 per month [19659004] The new tariff will apply from August 10 to December 31, 2018.

What is the rate? The tariff change is caused by rising prices for gas, oil and energy in world markets. "On the other hand, gas prices, both European and domestic, are affected by the increase in crude oil prices and the increasing tensions in world trade resulting from the rise in import tariffs between the United States, China and the European Union ". The announcement of PGNiG

PGNiG informs that, despite everything, it will be cheaper

and exactly cheaper than in 2015. The press release reads as follows:

After l & # 39; As soon as the new tariff comes into force, gas bills, which include distribution and subscription fees, will increase by an average of 3.6% per month. However, average gas bills for households remain at 8%. lower at the end of 2015 due to repeated reductions in PGNiG gas prices over the last 3 years.

The calculations of PGNiG show that from January 2016 to the end of 2018, in total, our pockets will be PLN 60 if we use gas only for cooking, 276 PLN if we also heat water and about 860 PLN in the case of gas

The PGNiG Group occupies the production of natural gas and crude oil, the Import of natural gas into Poland, storage of gas in underground gas storage facilities, distribution of gas and crude oil deposits. Country and abroad as well as experience of geological, geophysical and exploration services in Poland and abroad


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