The priest of the parish revives the burial. He did not see the dead church – Society


As reported by "Express Kaszubski, the priest of Gowidlin, refuses parishioners a new burial, arguing that he did not see the masses at mass.

In boiling in the village of Gowidlino in Kaszuby, the parish priest will not agree to open the chapel. The vision was that the coffin with the dead should be under the sky. As the priest apologizes, he does not go to church and does not take kolda. His relatives, however, assured that the man did not leave the house because of his illness – reports Express Kaszubski.

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Local media reported that the parish priest of Gowidlin was reprimanding the burial site when he did not see him in the church. In the opinion of the priest, the law canonically provides no exception. Due to the situation, the family had to organize a funeral in Rokita, which is 10 kilometers away.

Although the curia has had to deal with it, it has not taken any action yet – says Express Kaszubski.

Bartomiej Sienkiewicz, head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, said on his Twitter entry that his behavior was punishable by a fine. In this case, canon law is not decisive, but Polish law. There is a fine or a visa to refuse a burial (if there is no communal cemetery in the municipality). This is not the case of the bishop but the prosecutor, we read.

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