The protest of uniformed services. Not only police join the action


On July 16, a national protest action of uniformed services begins. Police officers, guards and firefighters are fed up: they demand increases and improvements in working conditions.

  The protest of services in uniform. Not only police



join the action: police, border guards, employees and officers of the prison administration, firefighters and firefighters will participate in the demonstration . From the state fire department, the border guards and the prison service, which will start tomorrow at 12:00, "reads in the press release of the Unified Services Federation of Trade Unions

– It is unclear how many police officers will participate in the protest Rafał Jankowski, NSZZ Policia Main Council Chairman


– 30 thousand respondents answered our questionnaires, more than 90 percent supported the protest will be to resign from the warrant when it will be in accordance with the law.Crimes will be detected and drivers checked but will receive instructions.This will be the case, of course, when the regulations allow it. health and life of others or exceeding the speed of more than 50 km / h will be punished as usual – Jankowski added

See also: "He was very strong, he struggled." Testimony a police officer at the Death of Igor Stachowiak


Protestors' Requests

Union members demand, among other things, increases, full pay for overtime and for L4 and return to the pension system as of December 31, 2012, when the police were able to retire earlier.

Until April 14, the Ministry of the Interior and Administration had time for the Head of Department, Joachim Brudzinski, even began negotiations with representatives of uniformed services , but the agreement was not reached


The ministry maintains that the dialogue with representatives of all the unions maintained by the ministry continues. As we read in the communiqué of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, Minister Joachim Brudzinski is open to discussions on union proposals

"Requests and proposals of trade unionists are always carefully analyzed in the ministry. We assure you, however, that we are doing everything in our power to reconcile the postulates of the officers and the budget possibilities, "promises the ministry.


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