The reinforced penal code does not work. The number of debtors continues to grow. "We are losing our face"


According to the BIG Infomonitor BIG, the number of maintenance debtors is increasing all the time, despite the legal changes of May 2017. – The end of last year promised an improvement and showed a decline in the number of debtors, but in this year the situation has returned to the infamous standard. In the first half, the number of debtors increased by 8,385 and the amount of unpaid debts to more than PLN 728 million – informs Sławomir Grzelczak, president of BIG InfoMonitor.

In total, the debtors in Poland are nearly 319 000 They owe nearly 11.9 billion PLN to their children. Especially men represent about 95%. all debtors.

. . Source: BIG Infomonitor

The average length of "alimender" in Poland is PLN 37 289. The 47-year-old resident of Mazowsze, whose debt amounts to 668,199 PLN, is an infamous record holder. The ten most indebted parents have a total of nearly 5 million zlotys of food maintenance

. . Source: BIG Infomonitor

Legal changes do not help

The number of debtors reported to the Infomonitor Bureau of Economic Information continues to grow, despite the amendment of the Penal Code, entered into May 2017. After this change, the parent may have You have been placed in criminal liability after three periodic unpaid benefits (for example, when your alimony was paid for three months). Then, summoned by the prosecutor, he has one month to settle the arrears. If it does not, the court may impose a deprivation penalty, for example in the electronic monitoring mode. "Earlier, the Code referred to the sentence of deprivation of liberty for persistent payment evasion, but the term" persistent "was ambiguous," says BIG Infomonitor.

And although, according to police statistics, you During the year, the number of open cases has been multiplied by nine (10,000 in the first half of 2017 and 90,000 in the first half of 2018) and the number of crimes committed has been multiplied by eight (5,000 against 39,000), unfortunately, the problem of "food" is still difficult to consider resolved.

. . BIG Infomonitor graphics based on police headquarters data

– The number of cases is increasing, but unfortunately the court decisions are very soft – says Katarzyna Tatar of the Alimony Association, Not Gifts , quoted by BIG Infomonitor. – Debtors are condemned, for example, to social work for a few hours per month and still do not repay arrears or remunerations. This is confirmed by Iwona Janeczek of the Children's Association, who draws attention to the fact that the courts, contrary to expectations, do not impose the penalty of deprivation of liberty through supervision. electronic. Between the beginning of June and the end of May 2017, 1166 people were subjected to such sanctions, and from the end of May 2017 to 7 May of this year. 1087.

– Instead of limiting liberty, sentences are passed to pay debts, as if the person who did not pay for years had to do so under the influence of the sentence. The judges also pronounce social work, which unmarried children do not have – says Iwona Janeczek. – Often, the cases are also abandoned, because the debtors pay small amounts or declare to the prosecutors that they will start paying, so in the interpretation of the prosecutors, they do not avoid the maintenance of the children, because the art. 209 begins with the statement: "Who turns away from the heavy on her …" – he comments. – We had high hopes for the new law, but the changes have not brought any improvement. Take the opposite. There is a big disappointment among independent parents. And the maintenance debtors always fall in the figure – Janeczek regrets


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