The relatives are fighting for the fall of Krystyna Sienkiewicz. "Julka has been secured"


The relatives are fighting for the fall of Krystyna Sienkiewicz.

Last years of life Krystyna Sienkiewicz she passed away from the media and, two years after her departure, the legacy record, more and more complicated, has still not been resolved. The media reports three people concerned about the distribution of money: the nephew Krystyna Sienkiewicz, musician Cubahis sister Anna Krystyna Sienkiewicz and daughter adopted by the artist, Julia Przyłubska. In addition, Sienkiewicz's brothers and sisters are in conflict, and Przyłubska was … disinherited while his mother was still adopted.

Recall: Bratman Krystyna Sienkiewicz abruptly on Cuba Sienkiewicz. "After what he did, then I do not expect him" (ONLY WITH US)

The adopted daughter, Sienkiewicz, was incapacitated. "The person representing him goes down."

Thursday, another hearing took place, but it also did not result in a settlement. It is safe to say that it has even complicated the difficult situation.

It turned out that Krystyna Sienkiewicz left two willsIn the first, she deprived Przyłubska and wrote the succession of Cuba, in the second she only described the details of the disinheritance and did not mention anything about the musician.

The adoptive daughter's attorney, Sienkiewicz, asserts that the second testament is in favor of the woman:

Our position is that only the second will is valid. The reasons for the disinheritance of Julia determined there are not founded, as the so-called "legal inheritance", the estate belongs entirely to Julia – he says in the fact Beata Szynkaruk, curator of Julia Przyłubska.

The representatives of Sienkiewicz are the opposite:

In Polish law, the existence of several wills can be reconciled if their content is not contradictory. Both documents show that Krystyna Sienkiewicz wanted to give everything to his nephew – the comments of the music representative, the boss Adam Bratkowski.

Interestingly, Przyłubska was disinherited during her lifetime and, in compensation, she received an apartment.

Krysia said hundreds of times: "I wrote the fall in Cuba." Julia was safe, she had an apartment from her mother – says the source of the tabloid.

The next hearing is scheduled for March 8th. The court also wants to find a guardian, Krystyna Sienkiewicz, who most likely lives in Ukraine, so that the case can be extended.

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