The road is flooded. "There was no power in the pumps"


Information on the flooded road to Targówek arrived at the service at 5.30am. There was a technical team working on the order of the Municipal Roads Authority

– The employees of the external company determined that there was no power supply in the pumping station. We are waiting for an energy company that will restore energy. It is only after we begin to remove the effects of the accident – says Karolina Ga³ecka, spokesman for the Municipal Roads Authority

Difficulties last several hours

Deviations determined [19659005] On the spot the municipal guard informs the drivers of the difficulties. Some tried to cross the road with their own hands. One of the cars was stuck in the middle of the flooded section.

In turn, the Municipal Transport Management Board headed line 156. The detour leads Kiev, Zbakowska, Radzymińska, Naczelnikowsk to Zabraniecka and then its route.

Road for PLN 76 million

The pumping station was damaged on the key section of the Kijowska Road at Zabraniecka Street. Initially, it was due to be commissioned in mid-September of last year. Finally, the opening dragged in late October. Unfortunately, the road builders did not provide the building management with the proper documents needed to issue a permit.

The road construction site was the last section of the Targowa Road at al. Tysi ± clecia (construction of Kijowska)

The total cost of the entire road connecting the coast from Szczecin to Zabraniecka is PLN 76 million

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