The Rolling Stones in Poland. Mick Jagger on judicial reform – Society


"Mick Jagger spoke at the Rolling Stones concert to support Polish judges," write the foreign media. In this way, they will comment on the words of the singer who died during the concert in Warsaw. – Poland, what a beautiful country, I am too old to be a judge, but I am young enough to sing – he said

mt Last update: 09/07/2018

The singer so was referred to Lech Walesa's appeal. The former president asked the team members to support the fight for the independence of the courts. – Many people in Poland defend freedom, but need support. If you can say, or do anything, being in Poland, it will really mean a lot to them – he turned to Wony's "Stones".

The appeal of the former president has been successful. During the Sunday concert in Warsaw, Mick Jagger mentioned the judges, referring to the shortening of judges' term by introducing early retirement. – Poland, what a beautiful country, I'm too old to be a judge, but I'm young enough to sing – he said.

The world's media commented on Jagger's words. "Mick Jagger is joining the critics choir, who believes that changes in the judicial system are contrary to democratic standards," writes Reuters. "Mick Jagger spoke at the Rolling Stones concert to support Polish judges" – evaluates the industry "Billboard."

"This is a clear allusion to the power reform promoted by the ruling conservative-national PiS party." 19659004] Jagger's words also recorded Australian Associated Press, The Guardian, AFP, France24, The Washington Post , as well as The Japan Times and Times of Israel.

Mick Jagger's Comments on Twitter

Grzegorz Schetyna: "Once I was joking that I would like Bono to support me, and Kaczyński replied that it was n & # 39; He did not listen to "two". Today in Poland there is nothing to laugh about. Mick Jagger has reminded us of the world for a different reason than the attempt on the courts, but fortunately, the PiS time will end soon. "

Jakub Dudek, President of Youth Democrats in Lodz:" Mick Jagger and the rest of the Stones are very familiar with the situation in Poland, I remind you that the wife of Charlie Watts (drummer) kept his mares at the farm of Janów Podlaski , that this PiS has ruined. 19659006]

"The great success of the" civic opposition "action At the request of Lech Wałęsa himself, Mick Jagger makes a vague reference to judges, singing and old age Adaś Miauczyński likes it Soon, Elton John himself grumbled significantly at the request of Polish friends. "

Judicial Reform

According to the Supreme Court Act, which came into force on April 3, the following day. the expiry of the period of three months Consequently, these judges cease to perform their duties as of July 4 in accordance with the law and may continue to rule if, in the month following the entry into force of the new law, they make a declaration and present a report. medical certificates, and the President agrees to continue to take a position of the Supreme Court.

And the president of SN Małgorzata Gersdorf – who turned 65 – did not make such a statement. has a mandate defined in the Constitution "and this mandate" is not subject to discussions and changes to the bylaws. "[19659004] The Sunday concert is the fourth performance of the Stones in Poland, the last time the group played in our country in 2007. Previously in 1998 at the Silesian Stadium in Chorzów and in 1967 at two concerts in the Palace of Congress of the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw

Source: Onet, PAP [19659021] [ad_2]
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