The S & P agency increases the GDP growth forecasts of Poland. He believes we will grow by 4.7 percent.


  S & P has positive forecasts for the Polish economy
Fig. Fourmy Mario

S & P has positive forecasts for the Polish economy

The S & P agency is of the opinion that the Polish economy will increase by 4.7% in 2018. This is the result of the last report of July. In April, the same agency predicted an increase of 4.5%

. The prestigious US agency is not only of the opinion that our economy will grow even faster than expected. It has positive forecasts for average annual inflation in Poland. According to S & P, this will represent 1.7% in 2018 and not 2.5%. as she thought in previous analyzes.

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The level of wealth and foreign net debt have determined the rating of the 39, Fitch agency. The expert explains why. Watch video:

S & P continues to rate Poland at "BBB +", but with a positive outlook. Polish credibility is rated by Moody's, which is competitive with respect to S & P. ​​His rating for Poland is A2, while Fitch evaluates it on A-. The review of Poland's note by the S & P agency is scheduled for October 12, and then Fitch will revise its rating. Two days later, Moody's will do the same thing

Read also: S & P raised the prospect of a positive note from Poland

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