The sale of smartphones in Poland slowed down. This is the first case of this kind


These are GfK data, which reached Friday "Rzeczpospolita". Fall of 5 percent And so, it is slower than in the whole world, where the number of devices sold decreases by 6.6%. and raises to 311 million pieces.

According to GfK estimates, during the first quarter, Poles bought about 2 million smartphones (compared with 9.5 million units in 2018). And even though the number of devices is falling, revenues are almost unchanged, even up slightly.

– It can be concluded that the market is slowly becoming saturated and demand is shifting towards more expensive models – said Rzeczpospolita spokesman to Orange Wojciech Jabczyński.

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Another reason for the decline in sales is also a much softer struggle for the primacy of the Vistula. There is more aggressive competition between Samsung and Huawei, which took place last year.

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There is therefore no insane price reduction and the Poles do not decide to exchange the phone as quickly.

T-Mobile achieved a turnover of 1.496 billion zlotys and an EBITDA of 398 million zlotys in the first quarter of 2019.

Mobile telecommunications is still an important part of the smartphone market. And that will not change for the moment, as operators still see a lot of potential in this market. Unlike wholesale, they give up slowly.

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