The scandal of the KNF. Czarnecki had to be arrested before revealing corruption


Prokuratura wanted to cover the scandal of the KNF, lowering the rank of commission notification of a crime to the complaint – informs Gazeta Wyborcza. According to reporters, the prosecutor's decision was not a coincidence. The supposed scenario was to minimize the case. Cover him while it was provided by the previous detention of Leszek Czarnecki.

The complaint does not give rise to a criminal case and to charges. An investigation takes place. In addition, "Wyborcza", citing information from several sources, indicates that the banker Leszek Czarnecki was to be arrested in connection with the GetBack case (the billionaire bank was selling bonds without authorization). And it was not accidental either.

– Czarnecki was convinced that he would be detained on November 9th. This would cover the case of the KNF, an indicator of "Gazeta Wyborcza".

As we wrote, the prosecutor Colonel Tadeusz Cieśla suffered the consequences of a reduction in the rank of the notification. He was sent to Ochota's lower district attorney's office.

The carpenter had to consider that the circumstances described in the notification submitted on November 7 by the lawyer Leszek Czarnecki, Roman Giertych, were to be verified not during the investigation, but as part of the settlement procedure grievances. However, we do not know if it was his independent decision.

What is the case of the KNF case?
Recall that Czarnecki proposed on March 28 a corrupt proposal of the KNF leader of the time, Marek Chrzanowski, that "the election" has described as potentially the biggest scandal of the PiS rule. Chrzanowski resigned from his position as chief of the financial supervisory authority and was questioned in the case as the first Czarnecki.

Marek Chrzanowski was arrested Tuesday morning, two weeks after the revelation of the case. ABC officials hit the former KNF leader at 6am.

source: "Gazeta Wyborcza"

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