"The School of Eagles" in Dęblin changes name


The Department of National Defense sent to the interdepartmental consultations a draft by-law amending the name of the university. When it comes into force, the higher military education system will create five academies.

According to defense24.pl, in May the Senate of the University gave a positive opinion on the proposal to change the name of the university and forced the rector-commander to apply with the appropriate motion to the head of the Department of National Defense. According to the proposal "The School of Eagles" is to be called the Military Military University (LAW).

The rationale for the project indicated that the adjectives used in the name of the proposed university defined its profile and corresponded to the university's mission and development strategy. It was added that the elevation of the high school of the officer to the rank of the academy "will increase the prestige of the university, highlighting its academic potential and the role of the key industry center for the education and training of higher class pilots in Poland ". Defense24.pl notes that the College of Air Force Officers at Dęblin is the last military university that has no word in its name "academy" . The costs related to the change of name have been estimated at not more than 150 000. zł.

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