The search for the Bloomberg agency does not leave any illusions! Poland is the best developing market in the world


The Bloomberg agency conducted a survey showing that in the evaluation of investors and fund managers, Poland ranks second in all three categories: investments in stocks, bonds and currencies – TVP Info reports.

In terms of foreign exchange investments, only the ruble is better for investors, in the case of bonds only South Korea precedes us, and in the category of shares – India.

Poland is the only country that occupies such a high position in all categories. All of this happens when specialists expect a drop in prices in developing markets.

The results of Bloomberg's research indicate that Poland will not feel or feel a bad situation in the markets.

The April Bloomberg study is the answer to the question: what is the reason for such an assessment of investments in stocks, bonds and currencies?

Investors then said that our market was the least exposed to the risk of rising interest rates in the United States, the crisis in China and rising oil prices

Source : INFO TVP

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