The second term of PiS is at stake – Rzecz o polityce


We can not be like big cats – says PiS chairman Jarosław Kaczyński in a recent interview for the weekly "Sieci". And that is why last Friday the PiS political committee made a decision that dismayed. In a single gesture, the PiS president returned the letters: "At least a few hundred people – says the PiS activist after a long analysis of the situation, and this is not the end. he suggests that a meeting with the party is planned, on which he once again recalls the idea of ​​cats mentioned above. "- There could be a meeting of the Political Council with a message of discipline from the President.September 2016. Shortly after him, Minister sk arb Dawid Jackiewicz, the PiS chairman is perfectly aware that for PiS the greater threat is not the opposition, but the internal situation in the camp of power.Not only quarrels and disputes, but also a ruling party with all these disadvantages.This is clearly demonstrated by the History with bonuses for ministers.This is the reason why Kaczyński decided to make a decision like last Friday.The decision does not apply only to the autumn elections

See also: Kaczyński as Neron, setting fire to Rome

Doing Everything to Win

Consternation in Law and Justice After Information that local authorities works At the same time the state treasury companies must give up the bid was and is still huge. Among other things, because there is no information in the party at which level and which exact positions will be related to the frame of the revolution on the lists. But not only because. Many activists are resentful that they are left with such and no other choice. PiS politicians also fear that without known names, recognizable and proven on the lists, it will be much more difficult to fight for places in the councils of municipalities, poviats and sejmiks. But confusion also applies to some candidates for city presidents. In Sopot, Piotr Meler, presidential candidate, is also the chairman of Energa Wytwarzanie. Melera, like, for example, Robert Kujawski in Słupsk, who was in a similar situation, at the end of June approved the Political Committee. The same committee, after which the president of the PiS announced last Friday the decision to participate in the elections and foundations in the enterprises of the Treasury

In recent months, the president of the PiS made a series of favorable decisions to the campaign . This was the case with the lowering of MPs' salaries, which closed the division bonus theme for the PiS. Fearing a decline in support for the campaign, Kaczyński also paid tribute to Krzysztof Jurgiel, a member of the Order of the PC. Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, who for many years had opposed Kaczyński's vote on the ritual massacre, came in his place. Government – what the Rzeczpospolita has written – is scheduled for the fall after the local government elections. But his entry into the office of Prime Minister Morawiecki gave the opportunity to repair, for example, communication with the rural electorate.

Generational Change

Now it's the same. The success of the PSL campaign "Sami swoi" showing the income of PiS advisers on the Internet has probably exceeded the expectations of its creators, but in autumn, it does not matter.

Kaczyński has also created new people – especially young ones – in the fall for the PiS and local governments, eager to succeed, wanting to prove themselves – we take their motives into account – one of the politicians of the Opposition preparing the electoral strategy tells us Already the candidates to the presidents of the big cities are mostly young people who will build their position for the 2019 elections The decision of last Friday will change not only the letters, but also the l 39; Party apparatus and the local government for the coming years, and the CEO in an interview for "Sieci" suggests that the party will develop on the occasion of the Sejm elections. – There are currently environments outside of us, to which we can appeal, also by a candidate to a deputy or a senator – says the PiS leader. This among the current members, especially the current members, can not be loved. But when the second term is at stake, it does not matter. Especially facing the growing consolidation of the opposition and plans to create a broad anti-PiS bloc.

Maintaining the Image

PiS retains an advantage in polls. The party managed to partially break out of the crises that dominated the first half of 2018. The campaign for the year will be a lot harder for the United Right than in 2015. Therefore, one can stand out. expect movements that will cause the dissatisfaction of the party itself – like the decision on local governments. but they will increase the chances of electoral success. Especially when it comes to the privileges of power and their reception in the electorate, which in 2015 believed the statements of PiS politicians of a new quality in politics.

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