The Sejm adopted a ZUS tax reduction bill for small businesses


The Sejm adopted a draft amendment to the Law on the Reduction of Social Security Contributions for Persons Engaged in Small-Scale Economic Activity. This law can generate profits of PLN 1.5 billion for businesses and households, informed the Ministry of Enterprise and Technology.

"Even several hundred thousand individual businesses will benefit from new regulations, because we expect Many people will legalize their activities because they will no longer have to pay disproportionate premiums, which means that small businesses realize huge savings for businesses, up to PLN 1.5 billion in 2019 ". – Deputy Minister Mariusz Haładyj, quoted in the communiqué

Currently, contractors pay the same ZUS contribution regardless of the amount of income. He raises to PLN 1,223.16. There is an option to pay a lower ZUS (PLN 520 for social insurance and sickness), but it applies only to people who are starting a business for the first time and who has been in force for two years since its foundation. with an average monthly income not exceeding 2.5 times the minimum wage (PLN 5 250 in 2018), they will be able to pay reduced social security contributions regardless of the company's qualifying period, and contributions will be proportional to income, "reads. 19659002] According to the Ministry, if the entrepreneur starts his business and his monthly income is less than half of the lowest national wage (currently 2,100 PLN), he does not need any of the 39, register his activity. If he's starting to do better, he has to start a business, but he can use the so-called "Later, for the next two years, the same contractor will be able to use the aforementioned contribution of 520 zloty, after which he will be able to use facilities of the small ZUS adopted today (if it meets the income criterion already mentioned in the release)

At the same time, the Ministry added that it is impossible to give an amount that every entrepreneur benefiting from a small ZUS will save.It will change with the national minimum wage and will be tied to the amount of the entrepreneur's income.It can be said that those who are entitled to use a small ZUS in 2019 will have to pay contributions of at least 520 zlotys, but not more than 1232 zlotys.

"As an example of amount of contributions, you can specify the case of a contractor who earns a monthly income After the entry into force Of the provisions adopted today, ZUS will pay only PLN 660 per month and not PLN 1232, in which case the savings will amount to PLN 570 per month. mention of this particular example – as already mentioned, providing an amount of savings for each of the eligible entrepreneurs is not possible, "reads also

According to the law adopted today, its effective date is January 1, 2019. Proceedings of the Senate. After their adoption by the upper chamber of the Polish parliament, the bill will be passed to the signature of the president.


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