The Sejm amended the laws on the Supreme Court, the National Register of Courts, the ordinary courts and the prosecutor's office


  • 230 members voted for the draft of the next amendment of the judicial act; PO, Nowoczesna, PSL-UED deputies did not take part in the vote
  • According to the opposition, changes in the election and the president of the Supreme Court plus system of politicized justice [19659002] This is the fifth amendment to the judicial system law. – This shows the incompetence of the PiS – the deputies of the opposition said
  • Chaos, crisis and destruction – that is your plan – said the Deputy Minister of Justice

The draft provides, inter alia, that the General Assembly to the First President of the Supreme Court immediately after filling 2/3 the number of SN judges positions, and not – as now – only when almost all positions are occupied . It also eliminates the quorum required at the judges' self-government meetings. Some opposition and justice authorities argue that the changes introduced make the courts more politicized.

258 deputies took part in the vote on the Law on the Amendment of the Public Prosecution Act and certain other acts. There were 230 deputies, 24 voted against, four members abstained. In addition to the 223 PiS parliamentarians, the amendment was supported by two independent deputies and five deputies from the Wolnia i Solidarni circle. The PO, Nowoczesna and the PSL-UED deputies did not take part in the vote

Kukiz15 against PiS

22 of the 29 deputies present in court Kukiz '15 voted against the changes in the l & # 39; 39, judicial act. – Does this law change anything for citizens? No. Have you adopted the Kukiz & # 39; 15 corrections? No. Can Kukiz & # 39; 15 support this bill? No! – says Paweł Grabowski. Seven members of the Kukiz club & # 39; 15 did not vote.

Two non-attached members also voted against the project: Piotr Liroy-Marzec and Robert Winnicki. – Could this legislative divergence, which you arrange here, justify? If you have acted in a state of emergency, you can agree on these ways of enforcing the legislation. If the purpose and effects of your actions were a true reform of the state. But they are not. You have not managed to reform a space. All you do is strengthen your power – said Robert Winnicki. Liroy-Marzec did not speak during the discussion on the changes in the judicial system. However, he spoke earlier in the debate on the law amending the Rules of the Sejm. The changes adopted reinforced the possibilities of punishing MPs for their behavior in the Sejm Hall. – I am a child of the 70s and 80s and I watched the communists punish us for not leaving on May 1st. Do not go that way, it's a total mistake. Who do you want to punish? Do you think the opposition will stop saying what she says, because you will take a few zlotys from them? – asks Liroy-Marzec. – Go to the head for oil – he said

The prime minister abstained from voting

Kornel Morawiecki of the circle Wolnia i Solidarni was one of the four deputies who pressed the abstention button. Others are Łukasz Zbonikowski of PiS, Jan Klawiter (non-member) and Magdalena Błańska (non-member)

Five other free and supportive deputies supported the novel. Against the law of the environment of Czersk, leftist circles, COD, departmental children. We will vote for – says Jarosław Porwich of WiS

Scheuring-Wielgus for Terlecki: you are a faithful dog

During the debate, there was a skirmish between the deputies of the opposition and the vice- Sejm chairman, Ryszard Terlecki. At one point, Mr. Terlecki pointed out to Mr. Adam Szłapka that he had violated the gravity of the Diet. – If I have violated the seriousness of the House, how can we determine the behavior yesterday of MP Pawlowicz, who talked about livestock? How to name the behavior of Kaczyński? How to call your behavior? – Szłapka replied

– Vice-Marshal Terlecki. The Lord does not have the right to say that a deputy violates the gravity of the Sejm. The violence of the severity of the Sejm is declared by the marshal, and the marshal is not. If someone violates the solemnity of the Diet in this debate, you are not the deputies of modernity, "said angry MP, Jarosław Urbaniak, who was seconded by another member of Nowoczesna. , Witold Zembaczyński – What is best for you in your life is to press the red button, to keep your voice away from the deputies – he said to Terlecki

– The last time you turned off the microphone And although you're a faithful dog, you're not afraid of me – said Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus

Marshal also commented on the current statements of some deputies.-The parliamentary majority crushed the Polish democracy.Jaroslaw Kaczynski did it with your hands.We are before the alternative – either our and your freedom or the war I am sure the fascists are on our doorstep, "said Krzysztof Mieszkowski. – Rather stupidity – commented Terlecki

The mission compared the PiS deputies to witnesses in the Nuremberg trials

The Sejm rejected 31 minority motions and 28 amendments submitted by the opposition. Opposition MPs commenting on both the law and the way it was passed, sent their colleagues to the Law and Justice

– An independent judiciary is for democracy what is it? is oxygen for a human being. There are many MPs in the ranks of PiS who are anaerobic bacteria. They do not need democracy because they grew up in a different system – said MP Mirosław Suchoń.

– At this point you leave the quorum. Looking in your eyes I see that you do not really understand what is being said – said Piotr Misiło. – Nuremberg trial witnesses also said they did not know what had happened. You will not avoid liability – he said. – And besides, I think the PiS should be outlawed – he said in the end

Where is the MP Jaroslaw Kaczynski? Adam Szłapka wondered in his turn. – Don Kaczynski has come to give you instructions, and you, like sheep, will vote, – said

Borys Budka: wyrzyną Najwyższy Najwyższy

During the discussion on new regulations MP PO Borys Budka pointed out that "this law is a great fraud". – In the last six months, you are misleading the Poles, saying that you are going to introduce a reform. At the present time, you are massacring the Supreme Court by proceeding as you have done with the National Council of the Judiciary and the Constitutional Court. There was no reform and no reform – Budka told PiS deputies.

– You made a dummy with TKK, which instead of controlling, protects the majority of the decision. You infected the pursuit with the virus, the army, now you want to infect the Supreme Court – Arkadiusz Myrcha accused PiS. According to Ms Kamila Gasiuk-Pihowicz, the adopted law is "tailor-made for people who, for an instant career and money, are able to sell the Polish state rationale and themselves". – You did not have the courage to fulfill your parliamentary vows to comply with the constitution. Available judges are impunity for politicians – stressed the leader N. Katarzyna Lubnauer.

Up to five times the art?

The act adopted today is the Fifth Amendment to the Judicial Laws. Like the previous ones, it has not been the subject of social consultations. It has been presented as a parliamentary project and no such consultation is required. Opposition deputies have repeatedly suggested that this law, like the previous ones, was prepared by the Deputy Minister of Justice, Łukasz Piebiak, and that it was in fact A government project

. . – What will our realities of the EU look like after the entry into force of the provisions discussed, and how will this affect the art procedure launched in our country? 7? – he asked

– This Fifth Amendment to the Courts Act is as desperate as the previous ones. After the night of an act as serious, the procedure will bring nothing good to the Poles. The EU has not taken your fairy tales – says MP Grzegorz Furgo

– I am curious to know what you will do, how will be taken the judgment of the Court of Justice of the ; EU. It is your Prime Minister who said that the decision of the CJEU would be respected in Poland, said Paulina Henning-Kloska

Minister Piebiak at the opposition: no one can save you

– Is it a substantive discussion or a blowjob? ? Does it mean introducing something that you have not been able to do for eight years? – The Deputy Minister of Justice, Łukasz Piebiak, says in the context of the random assignment of cases to the composition of judges. It should be noted that the new adopted today initially suppressed this entry. It was only restored thanks to the amendment proposed by Marek Pi, a PiS deputy

Piebiak, in defending the bill, attacked the opposition. – Citizens' demands wait years. You're mad. You like it so that you can take responsibility for us. Chaos, crisis and destruction – it's your plan – says Vice Minister of Justice

– You expect that a knight from Europe will come to save you, because the people do not want to listen and do not see your program. Look at the polls. Nobody will come, no one will save you, no white knight. The electoral process will decide and I think it will decide, because this change, which the High Chamber is discussing today, is a good change for the Polish judiciary – stressed Piebiak.

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