The Sejm has established a new company. It will be a wooden apartment More


  State forests will not participate in the enterprise
Fot. Paweł Waga

Forests, however, will not participate in the company

The deputies voted in favor of the law establishing the company Polskie Domy Drewniane. As part of the Mieszkanie Plus program, it has wooden houses built for Poles.

The shareholders of the company will be the National Fund for the Protection of the Environment and Water Management and the Ochrony Środowiska Bank. The share capital of the company is PLN 50 million. The law provides that next year NFOŚiGW can spend up to 500 million PLN on the company, and in 2020 – up to 400 million PLN. From 2024, the company must earn and finance itself. The housing buildings under DDP must be intended for rental with the option of access to property

DDP is to build houses for people with an "average income" who can not pay their own apartment. – These families really need housing. Maybe these people are not close to you, or even completely strangers and you do not have to take care of them, but we take care of these people – said Minister Henryk Environment Kowalczyk to deputies of the opposition. . "The standard could be improved"

According to him, there are 750 companies in Poland that could build wooden houses. He however pointed out that there are a dozen companies with high processing capacity. But according to him, these companies "expect a market to be created". – They will be able to sell wooden houses in Poland and will not have to export them abroad –

The allocation of NFEPWM funds to the DP was justified because the houses wooden will be ecological and energy efficient. He admitted, however, that there is currently no standard for energy-efficient construction

Initially, one of the founders of PDD was to be state-owned forests. The opposition and … the foresters themselves protested against this idea. Finally, during the works in the Sejm, such a solution was abandoned

The contribution of the State Forests was to be 250-300 ha. In the zoning plan, they were intended for housing construction. The land is located on the outskirts of cities

Now the land for Polish wooden houses must be offered by local governments.

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