The Senate passed a law that must "start" the PPP market


The Senate passed a government bill to "displace the Polish Public-Private Market (PPP)," announced the Ministry of Investment and Development (MIR)

"The Public-Private Partnership Market" Polish Europe, for example France or the United Kingdom, regrets that the PPP is a double benefit for public institutions.First, it allows to invest in the investment public and often without increasing debt Minister Jerzy Kwieciński, quoted in the communiqué

According to the data of the IFOR, at the end of 2017, public institutions in Poland implemented 117 investments in the formula of The value of these projects is PLN 5.6 billion.The vast majority of them are local government projects.The government has launched only one investment, dealing with the construction and maintenance of the building of the court of dist rict of Nowy Sącz, of the amount of 52 million zlotys. The analytical work on successive government PPP projects is underway, and

Kwieciński indicates that the efficiency of the procedures is a problem

"Only 25% of the proceedings end with the signing of a contract with a private partner, as at the World Cup, we find ourselves in the group stage, and we want to be in the forefront like the French or the English, which is why we want the Polish market to be well prepared. for PPP projects, "he said.The draft law amending the law on public-private partnership and other acts includes solutions that will facilitate the implementation of PPP investments

" The new law aims to increase the share of private capital in the financing of public investments. "the ministry pilot the bill.

The plans are impressive.According to the Ministry of Investment and Development, the govt and the local governments plan to implement investments of more than PLN 50 billion in this formula,


– The Ministry of Investment will strengthen its position as central unit in the PPP domain. Through this, he notably obtains the legal authorization to monitor the market, support specific investments or develop models of documentation

– any investment financed by the state budget with 300 million PLN must obtain the opinion of the Minister of Investment. However, this is not a PPP. This will be the so-called PPP test. The opinion does not apply to projects co-financed by EU funds

– any public entity may ask the Ministry of Investment and Development for an opinion on the relevance of the use of the PPP formula in the case of its investment. Such an opinion will be non-binding for him, but he should be an important support in the process of preparing a PPP project

– each public entity will have to analyze whether a PPP formula will be the most effective form of 39 a given investment before starting a PPP investment. Pre-Implementation Analyzes Will Have a Positive Effect on the Maturity of PPP Projects Available to Private Partners

– The Act contains a number of simplifications from various areas of law that will facilitate the conduct of investments. For example, a PPP project will be implemented by the daughter of a private partner who has not participated in the call for bids. Until now, it was impossible, calculates MIR.

The law also gives cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants (39 cities in Poland) greater freedom to shape parking fees:

– these cities will be able to enter the so-called. paid parking areas in downtown

– in these areas, local governments may (but need not – their individual decision) charge a maximum of 0.45% of the minimum wage for the first hour of parking for 7 days per week. In 2018 it is 9.45 PLN

– in the regular pay parking zones, the maximum rate will be 0.15% of the minimum wage for the first hour of parking. In 2018, it is 3.15 PLN

– a possible decision on the increase in costs will have to be preceded by analysis of the level of rotation of parked cars, which will indicate that it is necessary to differentiate parking rates;

– 65% of the costs for parking, it will develop infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists, for public transport (trams, buses, trolleybus, etc.) and for the development of green spaces.

– the parking regulations will not come into effect until the end of 2019.

three reasons why we give new rights to local governments First, because of investments We want to give local governments a financial tool to to build multi-level car parks in the PPP formula Secondly, to make cities more welcoming, big cities are the most populated The current amount of parking fees – a maximum of 3 PLN for the first hour – has been fixed In reality, 15 years ago, the average monthly salary was half less than at the time. Third, because of the environment and our health. We give cities another tool to fight smog "- explains Słowik

The deputy minister points out that the new law does not mean automatic increases." That's the decision of local governments. If, for example, Warsaw, Krakow or Gdańsk do not decide to increase the price of the first hour of parking, it will be as much as today, "he added.

law is only one of the elements of the PPP package of the Ministry of Investment. "#PakietDlaPPPministerstwo." The ministry has prepared a "government policy for the development of public-private partnership", which to the end of July 2017 passed the Council of Ministers, organized national PPP training for 1,700 public administration employees from more than 600 institutions, supports specific PPP investments, for example the development of areas around the national stadium from Warsaw or the construction and maintenance of a new tramway line in Krakow, monitors the PPP market and directs including the PPP investment database and the database of blueprints. investment publications with good practice es [19659002] All actions must lead to the fact that by the end of 2020:

– 100 new PPP contracts will be concluded,

– the value of investments under this formula will represent at least 5% of the expenditures of investment in the public sector,

– at least 10 procedures of selection of a private partner will be initiated by the governmental sector,

– 40% of the procedures – governmental and autonomous government – will be crowned of success, summarized in the material.

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