The shocking entry of the Civic Platform advisor is now awaited by a friendship court. "I do not know what happened, but I'm terribly sorry"


I have always had my opinion about Ukrainians. And we let them into power. A Ukrainian in Biedronka, a Ukrainian in transport, a Ukrainian in a construction, and now a Ukrainian as the fifth column. I assure you that this is not an isolated case. Recently, on Szembek, Ukrainians began to defend the Law and Justice

– a Warsaw adviser PO Monika Suska wrote on Twitter

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. She refers to the Internet rumor according to which the Ukrainian actor Vyacheslav Skidan, known for his performances in the program "What is the melody?", Attacked police officers. indignantly. The interested woman herself has decided to apologize.

I do not know what happened, but I am terribly sorry. Not only all Ukrainians, but especially Mr. Wieczysław

– she said in an interview with

I know that I will be in a friendly court. I regret that my irresponsible position put a shadow on the party

– she added

Suska also referred to the subject on her Facebook profile

In connection with her poorly designed and emotional entry, she s & # Excuse affected

– wrote.

Information "Fakt" was quickly confirmed by the Warsaw City Council PO

As chairman of the OP Council Council at the Warsaw Council, I send a motion to punish Councilor Monika Suska was written Sunday by Jarosław Szostakowski, referring to the entry of an adviser on Ukrainians.

The post was absolutely scandalous and unacceptable

– justified its decision by the chairman of the Council of PO Council.

gah / / PAP

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