The solar eclipse of Supermoon on Friday the 13th is "bad luck" for most people


There will be a supermoon on Friday the 13th, the first time since 1974. The day would make most people feel unlucky but not because of superstitious beliefs. ( Roger Purdie | Pixabay )

A supermoon that brings a partial solar eclipse on Friday the 13th is "bad luck" for most of the world's population and not because of superstitious beliefs.

event on the weekend is the first time since 1974 that a supermoon has again coincided on a Friday the 13th. The partial eclipse will also see the Earth crossing the twilight of the moon or its wide cone. # 39; shadow.

As it happens, a tiny piece of sun will hide behind the darkness. Thus, apart from Friday's event as a supermoon on Friday the 13th, we also call it "dark supermoon", which means that a new moon comes when its penumbra is the closest of the earth.

There will be no supermoon event of this kind in the near future. There will however be a total solar eclipse 19 years later, July 13, 2037, but there will be more supermoon and it will not be a Friday either. There could be a total solar eclipse on Friday June 13, 2132, but again, no supermoon involved.

Indeed, the supermoon event during the weekend is extraordinary. Unfortunately, it will not be seen around the world and that is why it is bad luck for most people.

Supermoon Solar Partial Eclipse Friday the 13th

The extraordinary event will only be seen on the Southern Ocean, the part of the world connecting Australia and the Antarctic and the region where meet the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

People living along the southeast coast of Australia will see the historical supermoon but only in a very limited view, a mere percentage. partial eclipse during the afternoon hours. Hobart, Tasmania will only see 10% of the eclipse.

Melbourne will see a slice of the eclipse or only 2.5% of the eclipse. New Zealanders will also see the rare event of the supermoon, but just like their comrades in the Australian sky, they will be limited.

The best view of the supermoon event will be the Antarctic near Peterson Bank. This means that only the penguins will have the front seat during the rare celestial event.

What a Supermoon

A supermoon is actually not an official astronomical term, according to NASA. The most accurate scientific term is perigee-syzygy

The perigee is the closest point to the Earth. The moon does not turn into orbit in a perfect circle. Instead, he travels in an ellipse that takes him to the perigee at an average distance of 225,744 miles from the Earth.

Now, if the full moon occurs at perigee or near, it appears wider and brighter than a full moon and therefore, become what people have called the supermoon. Syzygy is the alignment of three celestial bodies, the sun, the moon and the Earth.

The perigee has a counterpart called the apogee, which means the farthest point of the Earth. In apogee, the moon can be at an average distance of about 251,966 miles from the Earth. During each 27-day orbit around the Earth, the moon reaches both its apogee and its perigee.

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