The son of the president of the court Julia Przyłębska, Marcin Przyłębski, became the director of PZU


As established, Marcin Przyłębski, son of the President of the Constitutional Court Julia Przyłębska, is a director of the public company PZU. He had to start working a few months ago.

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What is Marcin Przyłębski doing at PZU? As reported by, he began his work a few months ago as a director and deals with the company's image.

Previously, Marcin Przyłębski worked at Pekao, which belongs to PZU. The state-owned company revitalized the bank last year by buying 32.8% from Italy's UniCredit. Pekao shares for 10.6 billion zlotys.

In LinkedIn's service site, Przylębski still appears as an employee of Pekao and not of PZU – emphasizes He started working for the bank in November 2017. Previously, he was Director of the Investor Services Office of the Poznań City Hall.

Przyłębski's work at Pekao Bank was written a few months ago. The press office of the bank, in correspondence with Newsweek's editors, had said at the time that "Marcin Przyłębski has all the qualifications and experience to act as director of cooperation with the institutions of one of the largest financial institutions of Bank Pekao ".

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