The State Protection Service is full of accidents and collisions. How exactly?


T This year, the vehicles of the State Protection Service took part in fourteen accidents and collisions – reported Thursday Seven of these events were caused by SOP agents. The data cover the period from February to the end of June

. This information was provided by the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in response to the inquiry of the interested Izabela Leszczyna. In seven cases, SOP officers were responsible for the incident, in six other road participants, in one case, the determination of the perpetrator continues. According to the information provided by the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, it is also known that eight trainers left the POS since February [19659004] From time to time we learn of subsequent accidents government limousines and SOP cars. Less than two weeks ago, there was a collision in Podkarpacie, which was not the fault of the other officers who had entered by another vehicle. In May, on the other hand, the car used by police was wandering. Four of them went to the hospital.


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