The store of Agnieszka Sienkiewicz goes bankrupt. "Acted with the heart, not with reason"


  The store of Agnieszka Sienkiewicz goes bankrupt.

In April 2016 Agnieszka Sienkiewicz and his partner Mikołaj Gauer became the parents of a small Zosia . The actress, inspired by examples of celebrities who earn a lot of money on motherhood, decided to follow in their footsteps.

It's a pretty cool commercial idea. Her precursor is Anna Mucha who after the birth of her eldest daughter, reportedly confessed on her blog with delight, which gave her a cover or a children's booklet, in fact she announced these articles for money.

Since then winning the fact that a child has just been born, is becoming more and more popular. Some celebrities like Katarzyna Zielińska design accessories for young mothers, others, like Maja Bohosiewicz or Edyta Pazura created blogs on parenthood, and others like Natalia Siwiec they earn entries. It seems that celebrity apparently shares Instagram with her maternal joy, and in fact each of her comments and the displayed photo is designed to promote a basket, a garment or a blanket.

Agnieszka Sienkiewicz decided is to open in Lodz own store with baby items.

Unfortunately, after a year of activity, he began to look into the eyes of the specter of bankruptcy . It turned out that he completely ignored the numbers, which is often considered a significant obstacle to running his own business.

Guests enjoyed the atmosphere that reigned in the shop of Agnieszka, where there was a playground for children. usually ended with after eating the cake, they went shopping at a cheaper chain.

Agnieszka wanted to establish a friendly place for all young mothers – commented an actress in a weekly World and People She acted with heart, now she must listen to the reason Realistically look at the affairs that must win or fall.


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