The story of the love of Kristina's mother and the killer of the girl – Jakub A. [ZDJĘCIA]


Killer Kristina. Jabub A.

Author: Lower Silesian Police
Killer Kristina. Jabub A.

He – 22 years old, from a good home, her – a mother of three aged 40, a woman after her death. Jakub A. and Agnieszka L. first loved each other, but feelings crept into their relationships. A feeling of discomfort.

It turns out that Jakub A. and Agnieszka L. are related. This fact was revealed by "Gazeta Wrocławska". Agnieszka and the mother of the murderer – they are very distant, but nevertheless cousins. Kinship, however, did not prevent them from establishing close relationships. It started at the end of the holidays last year. Since then, Jakub A. was a frequent guest in the apartment of Agnieszka. – Formally, they did not create concubinage. Well, but you can call them two for various reasons. I can not say more – says a source close to the prosecutor's office.

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They met often. Not only in Mrowiny, but also in Wrocław, where Jakub lived. "They were also leaving on weekends.Kristina once told me that they were in Szczawno Zdrój – one of our neighbors tells us so.

In the village, they also say that Agnieszka began to withdraw from the relationship. It did not suit him that Jakub was much younger. And Kristina did not like the man. She asked my mother to leave him. The degenerate felt that the 10-year-old boy was hindering his happiness. He decided to kill her because he had decided that when Kristina was gone, he would be permanently involved with his mother …

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