The Supreme Court rejected the cassation related to the Katowice International Fair disaster


The Supreme Court rejected the conviction of five convicts following the Katowice International Fair disaster in 2006. The decision in this regard is final. The court quashed the acquittal of the former board member of the ICC and remanded the case to the second instance.

Judge Barbara Skoczkowska orally substantiated Thursday's verdict, pointing out that at the stage of the proceedings in the courts of first and second instance, the fault of the accused had been duly demonstrated.

"With respect to the guilt of the accused, it has been properly demonstrated that these defendants had not maintained the warning required in these circumstances and offered the opportunity to organize the". event involving the collapse of the fairground of Katowice, "said Judge Skoczkowska.

In total – after the final judgment of the Court of Appeal of Katowice, which ended last September on the collapse of the ICC Hall – six appeals were filed in front of the SN . They were presented by the defenders of five convicts and – as regards the former member of the ICC management board acquitted – by the prosecution.

The appeal court of last September sentenced five defendants to five to nine years in prison, four of whom were acquitted. The most severe sentence of nine years in prison pronounced by the AS led the designer of the room of the judge Jacek to be guilty of a disaster of the so-called intention. alternative – he decided that J. could have counted on the fact that the building could collapse. In addition, former members of the board of directors of MTK Ryszard Z. were sentenced to two years in prison, the technical director of Adam H. to a year and a half, l \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ construction expert Grzegorz S. and a former construction inspector in Chorzów Maria K .:.

Defenders of convicts applied at the Supreme Court hearing last week either for the acquittal of their clients or for the removal of their cases for reconsideration.

However, the subcontractors of the room and the former member of the board of New Zealand, Bruce R., prosecuted before the prosecution, appealed the judgment in this case. The prosecutor's office questioned SA's acceptance that R. had committed a "justifiable error" and could not foresee the commission of a crime.

The ICC courthouse accident occurred in January 2006. It was the largest construction disaster in the history of Poland. After the collapse of the roof of the hall, 65 people participated in the pigeon show and more than 140 were injured, including 26 seriously. The criminal trial concerning the disaster took place from May 2009 and was one of the most important in the history of the Silesian justice system.

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