The Turkish President's Spokesperson: The United States Must Take Turkey's Security Concerns Seriously


The spokesman of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Saturday that relations between the United States and Turkey could continue if the United States addressed the security problems of Turkey. Spokesman Ibrahim Kalin wrote in a column for the pro-government Daily Sabah newspaper.

Kalin's remarks arise in the midst of heightened tensions between the Turkish and US governments over the imprisonment of an American pastor in Turkey. US authorities said the pastor's capture was based on false accusations of terrorism and espionage.

Trump threatened to impose heavy sanctions on Turkey on Thursday after a court ordered that pastor Andrew Brunson be placed under house arrest.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavusoglu replied in a tweet saying that "no one dictates Turkey" and that the country "will never tolerate anyone's threats".

Kalin wrote in a column on Saturday that He added that Turkey has not aligned itself with groups harmful to US interests, and that it expects the United States to United do the same. "

" Trump President Donald John TrumpHHS official who spreads the Pizzagate conspiracy theory to the Washington Posts agency asks for help to identify Trump's golf partners Prankster puts Portrait of Putin in the Colorado Capitol where the portrait of Trump could have good intentions Erdogan and Turkey. It will certainly be reciprocal when the relationship is based on mutual respect and shared interest, "wrote Kalin

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