The United States is ready to ensure freedom of oil transportation across the Strait of Ormuz


The US Navy is ready to ensure freedom of navigation and the free movement of goods, said Thursday a spokesman for the US Central Command shortly after Iran threatened to block the transportation oil in the Strait of Ormuz.

"The United States and its partners provide security and stability in this region and together we are ready to ensure freedom of navigation and freedom of commerce wherever international law permits," said the commander. Iranian Brigades. Revolutionary Mohammad Ali Jafari warned that his forces were ready to enforce Tehran's threat to block the Strait of Hormuz. He pointed out that if Iran could not sell its oil because of US pressure, no other country in the region could do it either.

"We will make clear to the enemy that the Strait of Hormuz can be used by everyone." said Jafari.

One-third of the oil transported by sea across the world crosses the Strait of Ormuz.

Iranian President Hasan Rowhani said this week that oil exports from the region could be threatened if the US put pressure on its allies to stop importing Iranian oil. and urge the international community to stop gas imports from this country. On May 8, President Donald Trump decided to withdraw from the US nuclear deal with Iran and reintroduce any sanctions imposed on the country that were in effect before the agreement was reached. Part of the sanctions must come into effect again after the 90-day transition period, August 6, and some after 180 days, November 4. The White House has said it wants to block oil exports from Iran to any country in November. (PAP)

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