The Vatican shocks the consecrated virgins with a new decision on virginity


Joshua Gill | Religion Reporter

A New Vatican Document has aroused anger among consecrated virgins, virginity is no longer a prerequisite to become a "Bride of Christ".

The document Ecclesiae Sponsae Imago, published by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life of the Vatican on July 4 serves as a new instruction concerning consecrated virginity. The statement clarifies that while physical virginity and chastity are important aspects of the life of a "bride of Christ", they are not prerequisites that, if they are not satisfied, would completely disqualify a woman to be consecrated as such. (RELATED: The bishop of Montana chastises priests for supporting Trump at a rally)

"The call to witness virginal love, The spousal and fruitfulness of the Church for Christ is not reducible to the symbol of physical integrity, so to have kept one's body in perfect continence or to have practiced the virtue of chastity. an exemplary manner, while of great importance as regards discernment, are not essential conditions in the absence of which admittance to consecration is not possible. the document reads

The wives of Christ are consecrated virgins who, like the nuns, are unmarried and offer their physical virginity as a sign of the total surrender of their person to Christ. however, they do not live in convents and work and support their According to the Guardian, there are approximately 5,000 virgins consecrated in 42 countries, most of them residing in Argentina, France and Italy.

The wives of Christ who led lives of physical virginity blasted the new teaching of the Vatican. "And" shocking. "

The American Association of Consecrated Virgins declared Ecclesiae Imago Sponsae" deeply disappointing in its rejection of integral virginity as the essential and natural basis of the vocation. "

" It's shocking to hear from the mother According to the Guardian, physical virginity can no longer be considered an essential prerequisite for consecration to a life of virginity, "added The Guardian.

USACV clarified that some might interpret the new teaching as meaning that rape victims are still eligible for consecrated virginity, this has been the case since before the publication of Ecclesiae Imago's Sponsorships. They also stated that if this were the intended message, the document could have dealt directly with this issue. With regard to women who voluntarily lose their virginity, USACV claims that these women can offer as a gift to Christ, but they can not be consecrated virgins.

"When a virgin offers her virginity to Christ, she offers her full virginity – physical and spiritual.A woman who does not have the gift of virginity to offer can offer a total gift of self to Christ, but she does not offer a gift of virginity, "writes the USACV." The gift of her integral virginity to Christ is a gift of the body and mind, and one can not to offer Christ what we do not have to offer. "

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