"The Witcher": The castings for the series have begun. Belçim Bilgin wrestles for the role of Yennefer


Every week, we receive more and more information about Netflix's "The Witcher" series. We know that the images for the show will begin in winter in Central Europe and that the search for the distribution of the series continues. The cast is answered by Sophie Holland ("Dixi", "Thor: The Dark World"). Special scenes to play were made for the interrogation. The distributed material is in no way related to the pilot episode of the series, eliminating the risk of leaks on the story.

Lauren Schmidt Hissrich, producer and scriptwriter of the series, announced on social networks that there will be network audition recordings the main roles in the series. She also assured that if they begin to circulate in the virtual world, we can be calm, they are real.

Public Recording Belçim Bilgin for the role of Yennefer was released by filmmaker, director and cameraman Deniz Kavalali. See how the actress has managed.

The first season of "The Witcher" series, which will consist of eight episodes, will probably reach the Netflix platform in 2020.

Work on the series began last May. The production is responsible, among others Tomasz Bagiński and Jarosław Sawko of the studio Platige Image. The script of the series is announced as compatible with the books of Andrzej Sapkowski, and not only vaguely inspired by them (as was the case with the games). The writer himself will work with the creators of the series as a creative consultant

– What we absolutely do not want to do is a copy of "Game of Thrones", "The Lord of the Rings" or any another fantastic story. We want to do "The Witcher" according to Andrzej Sapkowski. We try to move his books faithfully to the screen. Tomasz Bagiński spoke about work on production in conversation with the portal Gazeta.pl

The series of Geralt Witcher will be the second approach to the film adaptation of the work of Sapkowski after the TV series Polish created in 2002 directed by Marek Brodzki. Michał Żebrowski played the title role in the production of 13 episodes and in the parallel film that was created in parallel.

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