Themis Judges Association on the SN Nominees:


From the office of the Judges Association "Themis" issued a statement on Monday stating that the race to the Supreme Court is "a direct support action to violate the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. "

The spokesman for Judge "Themis" Dariusz Mazur also said that "the names of people aspiring to the Supreme Court under the conditions of current lawlessness will become synonymous with servility towards a system destroying the". Rule of law and "taking away" the freedom of citizens. "

The Themis Association of Judges invites lawyers to refrain from participating in these proceedings.

As we read, those who have already applied are asked to "withdraw" them because, as the judicial authorities legitimately advise, it also means "complicity in creating a real threat to the security of Poland by the destruction of the constitutional order ".

At the end of June in the Polish Monitor was published the announcement of President Andrzej Duda on the vacancies of the judge at the Supreme Court. As a result, there are 44 vacancies in total.

According to the Supreme Court Act, any person eligible to become a Supreme Court judge may apply to the National Council of the Judiciary within one month of the date of the election. Announces

that on Friday, the Sejm, with the votes of PiS politicians, pushed the chamber through an amendment to the Supreme Court Act, which changed, inter alia, the selection procedure of the first president of the Supreme Court. According to the opposition, it is the end of the third division of power in Poland

However, the vote of Friday was not the last, because we already know that the bill will go to the basket or the sixth amendment will be necessary. Without this, you can not – PiS has not indicated who can become the president of the Supreme Court. With the current form of the law, there is no one who can convene the General Assembly of Supreme Court justices. They are the ones who choose the president of the Supreme Court.

The information appeared in the media as prof. Małgorzata Manowska, director of the National School of Magistracy and Public Prosecutions, will be the favorite of the presidency of the first president of the Supreme Court. However, he is not yet a judge of the Supreme Court.


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