There is a composition for the LGP in Wiło! Murañka must undergo surgery


Stefan Horngacher announced that during the first weekend of ski jumping in the summer, Poland will represent eleven players, which means that Poland will not use the limit of ski jumpers.

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Poland will be represented by Kamil Stoch, Maciej Kot, Piotr ¯y³a, Dawid Kubacki, Stefan Hula and Jakub Wolny. In the team, there was also a place for the players of team B: Tomasz Pilch, Paweł W ± sek, Aleksander Zniszczo³ and Przemysław Kantyka. Horngacher also gave the chance to the player who trains outside the frames, namely Andrzej Stêkale, every day

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There was not enough room for Klemens Muranka, but it was not due to his bad disposition, but to the fact that the competitor is preparing for the next eye surgery.

The jumper was struggling with the corneal cornet, which was detected at his home in 2012. The competitor has marked a fall on the hill and admitted after him that he really does not even see the same. coach who has his sign with the sickle.

Murañka has already undergone laser surgery, but now he is waiting for another operation. Due to safety for his health, it was decided to exclude him from the training. Murañka should come back to training at the end of the summer – inform

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