There is a debate on the future of Fiat after an unexpected change in the group's head


Named last Saturday the new director of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), Britain's Mike Manley, 54, is already working in Turin, reported the Italian media. He replaced Sergio Marchionne, who is in serious condition in a Zurich hospital. There is a debate about the future of FCA.

  Mike Manley

Commentators point out that the key word for the group's future is the continuation of the line developed by Marchionne, who directed it for 14 years.

The Italian press says goodbye to the current managing director of the company, citing hospital news in Switzerland about the fact that his condition is irreversibly heavy. In late June, he underwent surgery in the shoulder, followed by complications. In a few days, his condition quickly deteriorated and there is no hope of improvement.

It is noted in the media that these are dramatic hours for a group that unexpectedly tells Marchionne, considered his savior. It's he who saved him from bankruptcy in the years of the worst global crisis – recalls the press. At the same time, he draws attention to the fact that a few hours after the announcement of the state of the former head of concern, his successor was appointed.

Mike Manley, head of the Jeep brand for 9 years, is considered, as recalls "La Repubblica", as the undisputed creator of its success after the merger between Fiat and Chrysler. When the job started selling cars of this brand was 300,000 a year. Last year, it exceeded the record number of 1.4 million. These goals were set by Sergio Marchionne and implemented by Manley – a Roman newspaper added.

The new FCA leader presents himself as a person with tremendous financial talent and an extraordinary intuition in the field of automotive. that Manley's worldwide success in promoting his brand and making it a strong symbol of the group's future has made him the preferred candidate for Marchionne's successor.

This surprising change of direction, sudden and painful the way has ended "the Marchionne era", the daily Il Messaggero called the "revolution". He noted that the new CEO is already operational in Turin, where he will meet on Monday and Tuesday the Executive Board of the Group, that is to say its decision-making body, composed of company heads – sectors individual. In Fiat's historic districts, Lingotto will bring together about twenty managers who have already been submitted to Marchionne.

The newspaper explains that no decisive decision will be taken during these meetings. According to him, it was decided that the production plan of the company, presented in early June, would be implemented.

It is also expected that the Milan Stock Exchange will react on Monday to change the management of the FCA. "This stock market will be the first review for Manley," says Corriere della Sera.

The company announced the adoption of financial results for the second quarter of this year and the announcement of the resetting of the company's debt.

Manley should soon turn to the Italian unions, who will call for accelerated investments to ensure full employment and give Italy a central position in the development strategy of three automotive brands: Jeep, Alfa Romeo and Maserati .

In Italian political and economic circles, there is great sadness at the serious illness of Sergio Marchionne – the media note. Sergio Mattarella, President of Italy, made contact with representatives of the group's management.

John Elkann, FCA President, wrote a letter to employees from across the group. "It's the hardest letter I've ever written, and we'll always be grateful to Sergio for the results he's managed to achieve and for the fact that he's done which seemed impossible "- said Elkann. He admitted, "Sergio will not come back."

He called the crews, "I'm sure you'll give Mike all the support you can, working with him and the management to achieve the goals of the 2018-2022 industrial plan with the same commitment, the same concern we've had. guided to here. "

From Rome Sylwia Wysocka (PAP)

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