"There is no agreement for slander!"


On Thursday, the chairman of the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers, Jacek Sasin, announced that he was accused of defamation and communicated to the prosecutor as a result of the accusations made against him by the suspect in the extortion investigation. SKOK Wołomin, Piotr.

Sasin posted scans of both documents on Twitter. To commit defamation, in accordance with art. 212 couples 1 of the Penal Code, a fine or a restriction of liberty may be imposed. In turn, the fact of submitting false testimonials – which are the subject of a Sasin notification to the prosecutor's office about the possibility of committing a crime – is punishable by a penalty of $ 15,000. imprisonment from 6 months to 8 years.

The brain of the SKOK Wołomin scandal after five years of thorough investigations and repeated interrogations by the Attorney General's Office "suddenly remembers" the so-called illegal financing of PiS politicians. There is no evidence because the contact book was reported missing. There is no consent to slander!

– the minister wrote.

Last Saturday, ZET Radio reported that Piotr P., one of the main suspects in the investigation of the fraud with SKOK Wołomin, had testified at another trial that he had done Pass the envelopes of PiS politicians with money from credit unions. Jacek Sasin is one of the politicians to whom Piotr P. – according to information from Radio ZET – had to hand over money.

According to the channel, Piotr P. said in court:

"If the court hears that the political figures who are in power today, for example, MP Sasin, Senators J. and B., are people who know SKOK very well and receive them from there. money. I speak in the plural, because I was not the only one to have handed the envelopes containing the notes to these gentlemen. "

READ ALSO: Another great provocation. Gangster accuses PiS politicians, duplicates of the media. "It's absolute defamation, I'm going to sue you."

The chairman of the Cabinet Standing Committee commented on the case during an interview with the portal wPolityce.pl.

I think that anyone who knows a little about the functioning of this criminal, like Piotr P., knows what the lack of credibility of these statements is. Nevertheless, it can not be left this way because it is thrown into the public space

– said Minister Jacek Sasin.

READ ALSO: ONLY WITH US. Minister Sasin: He is trying to hit the PiS with the highest degree of integrity. Piotr P.'s story has no credibility

In the justification filed Wednesday in the Warsaw-Wola District Court, the indictment against Piotr P. indicated that he had consciously filed false statements that "damaged the reputation" of the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers and exposed him to the loss of confidence necessary for the performance of his duties. Moreover, in the notification sent Tuesday to the prosecutor's office, it was also indicated that P.'s behavior could be characterized by the acts described in Article 234 and Article 238 of the Criminal Code. It is a false accusation and misrepresentation of a crime.These offenses are punishable by fines, restrictions of liberty or imprisonment up to and including imprisonment. 39 to two years.

Previously, Sasin had referred to Radio ZET reports in a statement sent to the PAP. He then asserted that Peter P.'s claims were "an absurd defamation".

The SKOK Wołomin case is a WSI scandal. Piotr P., a former WSI officer, is the "brain" of this affair. He heard 911 allegations in this case and he had already been sentenced to a valid extortion sentence in the scandal of the "Pro Civili" foundation. It's discredited and completely unbelievable

– stressed the politician.

I regard his false accusations as an attempt to attack the law and justice; which is also part of the current opposition activities, which are desperate to undermine our credibility and integrity

– added the chairman of the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers, expressing at the same time the assumption that "perhaps Piotr wants to enter the civic platform with this attack, in the expectation of a milder treatment after the elections won ".

The affirmation of this Lord (Piotr P. – PAP) that we know each other very well is a gross lie. I have never had the opportunity to meet him, I have not met him and I have had no contact.

– he stressed.

READ MORE: Minister Sasin responds to allegations: the SKOK Wołomin case is a WSI scandal. Piotr P., a former WSI officer, is the "brain" of this affair

Piotr P. testified in court in the trial of Władysław Serafin, accused of having "perpetrated 102 crimes involving extortion from the Wołomin credit unions of three loans of a total amount of 3, 6 million zlotys ", as well as the alleged money laundering amounting to at least PLN 20.9 million out of 93 other offenses committed against SKOK Wołomin." The trial in this case began in October, while Piotr P. testified at the hearing last week.

In August, according to the state prosecutor's office, the entire investigation into the SKOK Wołomin case involved fraud of up to 3 billion zlotys. To date, 112 people have been charged with a total of about 170 allegations of offenses and 176 others are already before the courts.

Proceedings relating to crimes related to SKOK Wołomin's activities will be conducted by two special teams of prosecutors: one at the district prosecutor's office in Warsaw and the second at the public prosecutor's office in Gorzów Wlkp. Cases relating to SKOK in Wołomin are also heard at the prosecutor's office of the Białystok District Prosecutor.

Currently, the prosecutor's office Gorzów is conducting the largest proceedings on SKOK Wołomin, in which he examines the activities of a criminal group that extorted more than one billion zlotys from this loan fund in a few years . One of the main suspects in the case is the former military information officer, Piotr P., a member of the supervisory board of SKOK Wołomin and, according to the prosecutor's office, "the main initiator and coordinator of the group. criminal". He cooperated closely with members of the SKOK Board of Directors in Wołomin – President Mariusz G. and Vice Presidents Joanna P. and Mateusz G.

In February 2015, the Warsaw court announced the bankruptcy of SKOK Wołomin. In July, a specialist in the valuation of companies by prof. Dariusz Zarzecki told PAP that the bankruptcy of SKOK Wołomin had been assessed by the experts for about 180 million PLN. Creditors believe this amount is underestimated.

PCC / PAP / wPolityce.pl / Twitter

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