There is no subject to talk to the President of TVP


Tomasz Kammel on his Instagram account under one of the holiday pictures referred to the current political situation and disputes over the judicial system: – Is democracy possible if the policy has a direct impact on the tribunal? Can there then be a division of power? Can democracy, without sovereign courts, give way to dictatorship? History shows that it is possible. I do not want to, and I can not sleep today despite my vacation on the other side of the world – he writes

. "The repair of judgments, undoubtedly necessary and important, can not be done to the detriment of democracy". – Do not risk that. Beloved, we must live in a free country. No one in Europe knows it better than us, no matter the right, the left or the average sympathy – he has finished his job.

Comments have appeared in the network that many people have begun to wonder if, because of the character politics of the entrance, the management of Polish television will not draw consequences for the presenter.

Jacek Kurski: No Matter

TVP President Jacek Kurski asked with a comment to the presenter's response that "he does not even see the shadow of A subject to talk to the president of Telewizja Polska. "

We also asked the head of the program" Question for breakfast ", Katarzyna Adamiak-Sroczyńska. She replied that she did not want to comment on the issue and sent us back to the information center of Polish television. Barbara Herdej-Satan supported the black protest

The entry of Tomasz Kammel is not the first political response of the main television programs in Poland. Barbara Kurdej-Satan in 2016 supported the so-called black protest and spoke strongly about the prohibition of abortion. There was speculation as to whether the TVP authorities would take the consequences of his statement of support to the protesters, but none of this has happened. Kurdej-Satan was the host of "The Voice of Poland" and "I love you, Poland". She has also co-organized festivals and concerts organized by public television.

Tomasz Kammel is one of the leading entertainment programs, festivals and events broadcast on Polish television. In addition to numerous events, she manages "Question for Breakfast" every day. He was also one of the hosts "I love you, Poland!", Where the team under his leadership fought against the team of Antoni Królikowski.

Kammel with TVP has been connected to a short break of 21 years.

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