There will be a referendum on the strike in Biedronka


The "Solidarity" unions of the Biedronka network have not been able to communicate with the management of Jeronimo Martins Polska about the implementation of their claims. They promise to hold a referendum on the strike. – Despite the lack of agreement at this stage, we hope to continue the dialogue – says Biedronka.

Since the end of August, a collective conflict has broken out between the trade unionists of "Solidarity" and the Biedronka authorities. They do not expect increases, but they have different ones postulates mainly concerning the improvement of working conditions. It's about:

  • changes in the storage rules which, according to trade unionists, are incompatible with the applicable provisions on health and safety at work
  • providing protection in the stores in the evening, on the days preceding non-commercial Sundays, with store opening hours being extended (enlargement was generally one hour).

– In recent months, employees across the country have told us that the police should be called to the stores. Biedronka extended his working hours late into the night, but did not provide stores and employees with the proper protection – In August, Piotr Adamczyk, responsible for solidarity in Biedronka, was disputed.

Outraged "solidarity" asks for a change in the bonus system. The company now recognizes that the justified absence of an employee, ie sick leave or leave on demand, is the main criterion for not granting a bonus. Trade unionists want it not to be so.

The next trade union meeting with the management of Jeronimo Martins Polska took place last Monday. However, this brought no conclusion.

We do not see the willingness to reach an agreement from the board. We feel that our arguments are not taken into account at all. We hear only "no" – said Piotr Adamczak in an interview with Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. He added that the union is preparing to hold a referendum on the strike.

Only 2.5% belong to Solidarity. Biedronka employees

The network authorities do not wish to comment publicly on the postulates and announcements of Solidarity trade unionists. – For years, we have been conducting an open dialogue with all the unions in the company – says Business Insider Polska Arkadiusz Mierzwa, Head of Corporate Communications at Jeronimo Martins Polska.

Biedronka employs over 65,000 people, but only a few belong to trade unions. from among them.

– Of the four trade unions operating in our society, a collective dispute with an employer was concluded by one of them, NSZZ "Solidarność", accounting for about 2.5%. employees – says Mierzwa – despite In the absence of agreement at this stage, we express the hope to see continue dialogue – he adds


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