There will be no censorship on the Internet. The registry of prohibited domains will not be created


  Minister Zag
FIG. Aleksandra Szmigiel / REPORTER

Minister Zagrski reports that Central Registry was created at the request of telecommunication companies

Prime Minister Morawiecki assures that he will not accept the idea of block domains in the network. This central register of prohibited domains will not be created, as notified by the Ministry of Digitization. According to the information of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, there is no agreement to the government for the creation of industrial registers allowing parties to block the health and infrastructure services, UOKiK and KNF

In a conversation with the minister, Marek Zagrski assures that the intention of his department is not to censor the Internet. The intention was to create a single central registry in a situation where individual offices planned to create several industries.

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The original plans for the creation of a central register, of which Dziennik Gazeta Prawna wrote, will be widely heard

The Panoptykon Foundation claims that the initial project allows, for example, to the head of the health authority to obtain telecommunications data on people. As a result, officials could find out which websites the Poles are entering. The Minister of Digitization ensures that this misunderstanding

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