there will be no earthquake in Nowoczesna


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He was deliberating at the Nowoczesna club.
The boy left after two hours

Photo: tvn24

Katarzyna Lubnauer with the suspension of Piotr Misiła

Piotr Misiło is a suspended member of Nowoczesna and his future will be decided by the party leadership – said Katarzyna Lubnauer, party leader on Thursday after the club meeting. When asked why the member had left the meeting after two hours, she replied that this was due to the fact that the club had confirmed the suspension decision.

The Klub Nowoczesna meeting started at 12.00 and lasted almost 6 hours. Towards the end of the meeting, around the 14th, Piotr Misiło left the venue of the meeting.

He only informed reporters that his press conference would be held on Friday.

The party leader, Katarzyna Lubnauer, after the club meeting, told reporters that her goal was summary of local elections and discussion of the closest activities.

When asked if Piotr Misiło was still a member of Nowoczesna, she replied: "Piotr Misiło is currently a suspended member of Nowoczesna, while his party will be decided by the party leadership.

When asked why the mission left the meeting after two hours, Mr. Lubnauer replied that this was because the club had confirmed the suspension decision. – The party leadership will make other decisions about its future as it is a proper statutory institution to do so – she explained.

According to Lubnauer, the club also discussed the situation related to the decision of Councilor Wojciech Kałuży to cooperate with PiS, which allowed the law and justice to take power in Silesia.

The modern leader was asked whether, following the departure of Kałża from Nowoczesna, consequences would be drawn for party secretary Adam Szłapka and MEP Monika Rosa, who – as the journalists – a group of Nowoczesna deputies.

– This group of deputies is always the same MP: Piotr Misiło. I understand he's playing his own private war, "replied Lubnauer.


Piotr Misiło left the modern meeting after about two hours "width =" 640 "height =" 360 "class =" lazy lazy with retreat
Piotr Misiło left the Nowoczesna meeting after about two hours

Lubnauer: there will be no earthquake

Even before the opening of the meeting, Lubnauer had assured that there would be no "earthquake" in Nowoczesna. – Even that will not be a collapse because of the damage caused by the mines – she stressed.

She also said that she did not see the need to combine the clubs Nowoczesna and Platforma Obywatelska.

– We are groups that have other programs, we vote differently in many cases, we want to speak, not to mention the fact that we have more time (in the Sejm) when there are two clubs, not one, has stressed Lubnauer.

Cabanon "bitterness cut"

On Monday, Lubnauer informed about the suspension of Misiła in the rights of a member of Nowoczesna and appealed the court's decision by the peers to dismiss him. Nowoczesna's president said that Misiło "destroyed the Civic Coalition by his personal ambitions". The decision of the head of Nowoczesna is related to the interview that Misiło gave to "Rzeczpospolita". The MP felt, among other things, that Lubnauer – as leader of the party – lacked experience, and that Nowoczesna was in crisis.

He also called on Lubnauer to immediately resign the party's general secretary, Adam Szłapka, as part of the constitution of a Silesian coalition with the PiS by councilor Wojciech Kałuża, a member of the regional council drawn from the Coalition's lists. citizens. The PiS program agreement with Kałuża has enabled PiS to create the province's governing board – Kałuża has become vice president. – Ms. Kałuża recommended, through the manual control of the Secretary General, Monika Rosa. Applications need to be learned – says Mission

On Thursday, Lubnauer told reporters that the MP for Misile "has been gathering for a long time" and that "his latest actions have thrown the cup of bitterness".

Mr Misiło has known such things for a long time that, through media reports and leaks, he tries to play his role within the club or the party. He always did, he also did during the previous presidency (Ryszard Petru). Then I criticized him, I criticize him now. I think the only mistake we made is not to have it suspended earlier – she said.

Author: is // kg // kwoj
Source: PAP

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