Theresa May facing the Brexit hard-line rebellion in the vote on the Customs Bill | Policy


Theresa May faces a concerted Conservative Party Brexit hard-line rebellion on Monday, as MPs dissatisfied with her Compromise Checkers prepare to mount a show of force by voting for their amendments on the draft Customs Act. The European research group says it will reject any compromise attempt of the number 10, hoping to force May to change course with respect to Brexit or risk a vote of no confidence before the summer holidays by demonstrating the depth of their support.

The ERG whip operation, using the WhatsApp messaging service, was created by Steve Baker, the former Brexit minister who resigned from the government last week, although ERG insiders would only figure not the number of rebels they were considering committing in the Commons [19659002] Jacob Rees-Mogg, president of the ERG, told the BBC "we'll get an idea of ​​the numbers at 10 pm Monday night" while an ERG insider added that they were "intensely relaxed" about the

Last week, members of the tough Brexit group tabled four amendments to the draft law on taxation ( cross-border trade) to be debated Monday night, with a view to stopping the customs plan announced by May to Checkers nine days ago.

The level of support they attract will attract intense attention, especially if the number far exceeds the 48 required to request a vote of no confidence in the Conservative Party leadership in May.

May's leadership is precarious since she unveiled She proposed a new Brexit trading strategy at her Checkers residence and detailed it in a white paper last week. It caused the resignation of Boris Johnson and David Davis from the firm, as well as the departures of Baker and a series of junior ministers.

WHO & # 39; S IN:

Jeremy Hunt

The oldest health secretary – having held this position for nearly six years – becomes minister Foreign Affairs after the resignation of Boris Johnson.

Matt Hancock

Secretary of Health

Jeremy Wright

The former Attorney General assumes Hancock's old job as secretary of Culture.

Geoffrey Cox

Deputy Devon

Dominic Raab

The former Minister of Housing is promoted to Secretary of Brexit position after the resignation of David Davis.


Davi d Davis

He travels to the four corners of the country after having kicked off the cabinet reshuffle with his Brexit Secretary resigns on Theresa May's bargaining plans

Boris Johnson

Controversial and controversial Foreign Secretary joins Davis in the backseat after also resigning from his post.

On Sunday, Robert Courts, the MP who took over the old riding of David Cameron, said he was resigning as the Private Parliamentary Secretary to the Foreign Office. he could vote against the government in the Customs Bill. He said that he had made the "very difficult decision" to resign "to express his dissatisfaction" during the votes. He added, "I can not tell the people of WOxon [West Oxfordshire] that I support the proposals in their current form."

Johnson is also expected to return to political fray on Monday with his first column for the Daily Telegraph since he resigned from the government on the Checkers compromise. But the first indications were that he was retreating to join the ERG rebellion, that his column would not "offend" because it was not about Brexit, and that the former minister of Foreign Affairs would not give interviews or speak in the House of Commons. Weekend reports suggest that about 40 of the 48 deputies needed had filed letters of no confidence with the chairman of the 1922 party's back-board after May said that the United Kingdom was ready to sign a "common rule book" for food and property after Brexit

Conservative circles believe that a vote of no confidence in May will have to be called by Wednesday because it is not necessary There will be no time to hold it before Parliament rises for the summer on Tuesday, July 24. To win, the Prime Minister must win more than half of the Conservative Party's 316 MPs, and if she does, another vote of no confidence could not be held for 12 months.

Addressing Andrew Marr of the BBC, May She said that she would seek to combat all the challenges that emerged before the summer holidays, saying, "I want to draw people's attention to how you make sure you get that price, the benefits of leaving the European Union. says I'm here for the long term. "

Theresa May says Trump told her to" pursue the EU "- video

The Prime Minister also said that the draft law on taxation (cross-border trade), which aims to allow the United Kingdom to implement its own customs regime after Brexit, and a law on trade on Tuesday, were an important part of preparing the negotiations "because both were necessary to prepare the United Kingdom for life as an independent trading nation."

Most controversial of the four amendments proposes to make it illegal for HMRC to collect royalties for the European Union without reciprocal arrangements, after May proposed that the United Kingdom would levy customs tariffs on goods to the EU after Brexit.It was signed by 11 conservative deputies including former leader Iain Duncan Smith, former Minister Priti Patel and Rees-Mogg.

The report stage of the bill will also see the deputy és debate an amendment expected UK in the EU customs union after the Brexit which is supported by the Labor Party, the SNP, the Lib Dems and two conservatives Tory, Anna Soubry and Ken Clarke.

Proponents of the amendment, however, indicated that he could not vote on Monday night, in part because the Conservatives supporting the maintenance do not want to undermine the prime minister when she is vulnerable on his right flank. MPs could debate this when the bill is returned by the Lords, he added.

The bill should also be read for the third time tomorrow and could be threatened if the conservative Brexiters join Labor, the SNP and the Lib Dems, who are expected to vote against it.

Chuka Umunna, a proletarian Labor MP, said the lack of certainty on the bill showed how uncertain the future of the United Kingdom is: "There is no majority in parliament for Brexit Prime Minister Jacob Rees-Mogg Brexit or an uncompromising Brexit favored by many members of the ERG.But there is a majority of Commons for the UK to participate in the Brexit. customs union, if some conservative MPs put the country before the party. "

Main political events next week

Theresa May is expected to brief MPs last week at the NATO Summit. The bill on taxation (cross-border trade) comes back to the House of Commons, the conservative right preparing a show of force in favor of severe amendments to Brexit, while opposition parties could demand a vote for May can remain in the customs union.

The Trade Bill reaches the Commons for its final stages. Nine conservative Conservatives signed amendments calling on the government to remain in a customs union with the European Union after the resignation of the United Kingdom in 2019.

Informal deadline for holding a vote of distrust to Theresa May. If the number of Conservatives ready to appeal has not reached 48 today, then there is not enough time to hold a vote of confidence before the parliament breaks down for l & # 39; summer.

Theresa May is also facing Jeremy Corbyn for the Minister's last questions for the last time before the summer holidays.

Michel Barnier meets with EU ministers in Brussels to discuss the new proposals of the British Brexit, the first time the 27 member countries have formally discussed the issue. May political initiative.

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