Theresa May paves the way for the Brexit battle over Northern Ireland while she rejects the EU's "unenforceable" EU border plan


In a speech in Belfast on Friday, May is expected to criticize the EU's support proposal by which Northern Ireland would remain in compliance with European rules and regulations, even though mainland Britain does not Was not "impracticable."

implemented, would effectively create a border in the Irish Sea between Ireland and Great Britain.

"The economic and constitutional disruption of a formal" third country "customs border in our own country is something I will never accept, I believe the British Prime Minister does not could never accept, "May said in a speech at the Belfast Waterfront Hall

. Perhaps most importantly, it is the Democratic Unionist Party – the far-right North Irish party that supports minority conservative government in Westminster – has vowed not to accept.

At the same time, May will say that the notion of a hard boundary between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, which will remain a member of the EU after the official release of the United Kingdom in 2019, is almost inconceivable and would be unworkable for the thousands of people who spend every day between the United Kingdom and Ireland, as well as the companies that operate on both sides of the border.

Referring to a white paper on Brexit issued by the government last week, May will say that London has set out its position and that it is time now "that the EU responds".

"Do not be content to go back to previous positions that have proven unworkable, but develop their position in kind and, on that basis, look forward to constructive discussions," May said.

Fears that a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, which will remain in the EU after the departure of the United Kingdom in March 2019, could provoke a return to violence that devastated the region for most of the 20th century.

Chaos at Home

May's challenge to EU leaders belies the weakness of her position. It narrowly avoided defeat on a key Brexit bill this week, as disagreements widened within its conservative party between pro-EU and pro-Brexit MPs.

The pro-EU faction was furious that, earlier in the week, the May government made a number of concessions to the Brexit-friendly faction, and introduced an amendment to a Brexit bill that did not make any concessions. was defeated only by six votes. who came from the opposition benches.

Earlier this month, two of May's top ministers – Brexit Secretary David Davis and Foreign Minister Boris Johnson – resigned from what they saw as a dilution of the British plan to leave the European Union. She quickly agreed to replace the two men, she also accepted a number of demands from the European nonconformist conservatives who, according to many, were undermining Checkers' original agreement – a plan for a Brexit strategy was developed 10 days ago.

Uncertainty Abroad

Prior to the May speech, EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier said it was "urgent to agree on a legal safety net for Ireland and Northern Ireland ". an all-weather insurance policy. "

" Our challenge will be to find a middle ground between the fundamental principles that define the EU and the British positions, "he added.

After the meeting with Barnier, the new British Secretary for Brexit, Dominic Raab, rejected suggestions that the UK's position "is stalling" and said "we are preparing for the interior preparations we are making." [19659002"Wehavehad12moreweekstofinalizethedetailsofthe"headded"Ithinkthatwhenyougettoalignwiththepreparationsyouhavetobeintensified"

But he conceded that some of these preparations are for a potential Brexit" without agreement ", whereby the UK will leave the EU without a plan in place. Such an agreement could disrupt the UK's relationship with its larger export market, leaving it with no understanding to stay or to have access to the customs union and to Single Market
In a statement to member states this week, the EU warned "there is no certainty that an agreement will be reached."

"Planning for Urgency for the worst possible outcome is not a sign of distrust in the negotiations, "he said. "The Commission devotes very important resources and makes great efforts to reach an agreement, which remains our goal, but the outcome of the negotiations can not be predicted."

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